Harvey PJ - This Wicked Tongue Lyrics

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Artist: Harvey PJ
Harvey PJ Author
Song Title: This Wicked Tongue
Visits: 555
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This wicked tongue says
God is a million miles away
This wicked tongue says
He can't see my day to day

This wicked tongue says
Go on, taste everything
And this wicked tongue says
You know you're not really living

And it stares into the sun
And it flies from star to star
Cursing everyone
In my ringing ears

And the noise is as much as I can bear
And the noise is as much as I can bear
And the noise is as much as I can bear
And the noise is as much as I can bear

So I asked her where's the heart?
In the rubbish heap of man
So I asked her where's the soul?
And the silence rang and rang and rang and rang and rang

So I stare into the sun
And I fly from star to star
Cursing everyone
In my ringing ears

And the noise is as much as I can bear
And the noise is as much as I can bear
And the noise is as much as I can bear
And the noise is as much as I can bear

"I give up" he said
"I give up you win"
"Creation baby has failed again"
"I give up" he said
"I give up you win"
"Creation baby has failed again"
"Creation baby has failed again"
"Creation baby has failed again"
"Creation baby has failed again"

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    That's in your arms
    Oh to be..."
  • Joe
    "Joe will you my buddy be?
    Stay with me when I fall and die
    Always thought you'd come rushing in
    Clear the shit out of my eye..."

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