Hate Dept - Fireflies Lyrics

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Artist: Hate Dept
Song Title: Fireflies
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 670
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Like another you or another me
Somebody else's mother living on somebody else's street
In a different skin you might say the same things
All the same words with all the same meanings
We can dress up for free
You go so far to get in with the out crowd
You're chasing fireflies
You work so hard to stay up on the downtown
You're chasing fireflies
Keep reaching so high still can't touch the ground
Trying to be whole pieces are all you've found
We can definitely hear you and absolutely see that
You want to have an explaination for who you're trying to be
We can all dress up for free
We're chasing fireflies

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Other Hate Dept song Lyrics
  • More Like Me
    "I'm feeling full of feeling; a little grey
    a bit of drama on a lovely day
    it's a simple thing
    no confidence, no understanding, or itentity..."
  • Superdrama
    "Day to day
    Disaster always comes your way
    Day after day
    I wish you would leave but I think you'll stay..."
  • Coming Down
    "Seeing ourselves in a magazine makes us proud
    So everyone grabs a brush like me
    The silver paint looks great on the inside of this fucking cloud
    The beat gets bigger and the dream does too..."
  • Wait
    "When my fingers lost their touch
    And my eyes lost their glow
    Was when you discovered I was every man in a suit you'd always known
    I know it's not cool to want me and I know it's not cool to say..."
  • Anger Impulse
    "With a twinkle in my eye I believed that we are all the same
    A mother tried to teach her young man to swallow all of the pain
    If we go down there you're not coming back
    I've tried to hide tried to fight the anger impulse..."
  • Little Let Down
    "Failure is just a part of it
    No matter how hard I try
    Making a mess of every situation my whole life
    Saying sorry is not the answer to letting you down..."
  • Gone
    "When your floated love bloated into my space
    Did you ever consider the joy you might waste?
    I need some of what you're on
    I want to go where you've gone..."
  • Hit Back
    "Take from you lie to you waiting for you to hit back so hit back
    Bought by you prepare for you to hit back so hit back
    Make a future tear this system down
    Walked away learned what not to say I found my own way to hit back

  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Technical Difficulties" album, click "Hate Dept Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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