Hate Plow - Challenged Lyrics

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Artist: Hate Plow
Song Title: Challenged
Genre: Rock
Visits: 668
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Fucked in the head, better off dead
No future in sight, this is his life
Can't count to ten, can't spell his name
Who's at fault, who's to blame
Look at him twitch, look at him drool
30 years old, still in pre-school
He can't control when he pisses or shits
Or starts screaming in one of his fits

He has his own nurse, living in his house
He can't control his mind, he rides on a bus with his special kind


He'll never know a normal life
Can't read a book, can't ride a bike
Can't dress himself, can't tie his shoes
Living his life without a clue
Before his birth they were insane
His parents used crack cocaine
Now you know during conception
They had a drug addiction

Living in his house, with a natural curse
He rides on a bus with his special kind, he doesn't know why

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Other Hate Plow song Lyrics
  • Everybody Dies
    "Hatred for you
    Sealing your fate
    Craving your pain
    Extinguish the human race..."
  • Stalker
    "When I first saw her, I knew she was mine
    All my life, it was only a matter of time
    Looking through her window from her neighbor's tree
    Watching her undress begins to excite me..."
  • Prison Bitch
    "You were sent in for life to pay for all your crimes
    No chance to get out, you will do your time
    You think that you are tough, no one will fuck with you
    To them you are fresh meat, you don't have a clue..."
  • 2000 Blow Job
    "Looking for a customer to support her fix
    Thinking only of the drug when she sucks your dick
    $20 for a rock - For it she'll suck your cock
    $20 for a whore - Aids, herpes, and cold sores..."
  • Crackdown
    "Searching through these downtown streets
    To find the losers high on crack
    It is time to exterminate
    Now's the time to attack..."
  • In The Ditch
    "Drunken bloody mess, to this I must confess
    Beaten like a bitch, defeated in the ditch
    Pummeled to the ground, no help to be found
    Blood stains cover my shirt and a mouthful of dirt..."
  • Ass To Mouth Resuscitation
    "My mouth is to your ass
    My tongue is up your crack
    My breath, it smells like shit
    My teeth are stained black..."
  • Compound
    "They follow this one man
    Reality they can't understand
    They think that he is Christ
    Controlling all their lives..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Everybody Dies" album, click "Hate Plow Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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