Hatrixx - Status Lyrics

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Artist: Hatrixx
Song Title: Status
Visits: 727
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Nameless faceless number on a
Collision course with no place
Show me a reason for survival
And I'll laugh until I salivate
Gimme useless nothing smiles
I'll cut the shit-eater off of your face
Crack your skull like an egg, squash your brain like a grape
There is no time like the present to erase our nothing
Past the world's a never ending desert
With a cactus up its ass if I could reach the fuckin'
Button I would blow it all away
Termination, salvation, gimme some oblivion
Make me deceased, give me release, desolation
Dust in the wind
You can't ever come back, but there's nothing worth
Comin' back for
Can't feed the population, but the mothers just keep
Makin' more
Brain washing propaganda, 'til I don't know
What's wrong or right
Give your life for your country
It's like you just died for nothing
There's so much prejudice and
Hatred, ignorance
Won't let it go away
Born and bred to kill each other
Black and white our future's gray
I would love to push the button
Why waste perfectly good graves
Nameless faceless number on a
Collision course with no place
Show me a reason for survival
I'll laugh until I salivate
Nameless faceless number on a
Collision course with no place
There's no reason for survival!

Status Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Hatrixx song Lyrics
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  • No One
    "Afflicted with sight
    Sure wish I was blind
    Take away my choice
    Close and lock my mind..."
  • Psychoface
    "Resurrect another bad memory
    Twisted by the shit it did to me
    I can count the good days on one hand
    Pain is the one thing I understand..."
  • Reason To Be
    "Slow-motion murder herein the blood blur incensed from
    All that I see
    Curbside laboratory I've got nowhere to be your insides
    Are out here with me..."
  • Sick of Myself
    "I wake up in the morning and I can't look at myself
    A fading fleeting memory of something I'm supposed to be
    Everything is my fault everything's bad because of me
    I'm sick, I'm not well but you're caught up in..."

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