Haunted - Three Times Lyrics

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Artist: Haunted
Song Title: Three Times
Genre: Rock
Visits: 667
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Selfdefense or murder of first degree.
Tell me who are you to pass judgement.
Raise my hand in anger,
a just cause, to pacify the aggressor at all cost.

So what is the law?
When all else fails, there's nothing left.
Given a choice.
Stand back or suffer the consequences.

Three times,
my fist came down.

So what is the law?
When all else fails, there's nothing left.
Given a choice.
Stand back or suffer the consequences right now.

I refuse to be victimized, or given your pathetic fucking powertrip.
You're not looking to kill anyone, you just want to display how big and
strong you are.
Well, check again motherfucker!
Do you think that you'll live forever?
I have no qualms about mortalizing your arse!
Check again motherfucker!
You're in the real world now.
So how does that feel for a change?
How does it feel to be the victim?

Twisted indifference,
Violence against violence.

Destroy resistance.
Violence against violence.

Selfdefense or murder at first degree.
Tell me who are you to pass judgement?
Cold reality, suffer the ultimate truth.
Die motherfucker!

So what is the law?
When all else fails, there's nothing left.
Given a choice.
Stand back or suffer the consequences right now.

Three times,
three times
my fist came down, down, down

Three Times Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Haunted song Lyrics
  • Bury Your Dead
    "Can't imagine the pain inside of you.
    Can't take the violence shooting through.
    Unleash your rage, pounding fear into their eyes
    Neuroses piercing through your head. Again and again...."
  • Trespass
    "Tampering with the codes to our existense.
    The blasphemy will take its toll.
    With blood on their hands,
    They alter our perception of reality...."
  • Leech
    "My future is forged with an axe.
    I set the pace for you to follow.
    Trade my illusions for your rebellion.
    The shit I serve you just swallow...."
  • Hollow Ground
    "Once again I've lost my way.
    Going nowhere fast,
    I dread the return.
    Spend my days in this self-made cage...."
  • Revelation
    "As an outlet for oppression,
    and as a tool for control,
    Icons of a sterile creed have come to rule man's destiny.
    In the guise of self-made saviuors..."
  • The World Burns
    "Conjuring up the demons from the fiery pits of hell.
    Slithering serpents of the underworld release their
    black worm seed.
    Enthralled by the falling star, watch the..."
  • Human Debris
    "Pray for me.
    Pray for my soul beyond redemption.
    Pray for my piss-soaked heart,
    For the hands that..."
  • Silencer
    "Hogtied and worn like a crown on my head.
    A notion to move is a motion to burn.
    Dare a spark into flames,
    Then roasted they'll learn...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Haunted" album, click "Haunted Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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