Hawk Nelson - Things We Go Through Lyrics

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Artist: Hawk Nelson
Song Title: Things We Go Through
Visits: 665
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Billy made a promise, but it didn't end though
Kerri had a dream, but she threw it out the window
Kevin met a nice girl who broke his heart
And his friends never told him but they knew it from the start

And these are the things we go through
Let's take control and be ourselves
Let's not waste time wondering about
How we're gonna make it out

Wake up everyone around you
Lets rock until the clock stikes two
Stand up for what you believe
And shout too
Here's another song from the youth that surround you

Kyle's parents spilt up
He thinks it's his fault
Little does he know that the time they're in was difficult
Andrea she left home said she had enough
All she really wanted was somebody else there to love
She's all alone again, it's the same old argument
And she needs a helping hand to help her find the truth

These are the things we go through
Lets take control and be ourselves
Lets not waste time wondering about
How we're gonna make it out

Wake up everyone around you
Let's rock until the clock strikes two
Stand up for what you believe
And shout too
Her's another song from the youth that surround you

Save me
I'm all alone as I'm coming to the surface
Tell me.
I'v got to know
Does my meaning have a purpose?
Show me
I'm far from home.
Lost with no sense of direction.
Take me to your home.

Billy made a promise, but it didn't end though
Kerri had a dream, but she threw it out the window
Kevin met a nice girl who broke his heart
And his friends never told him but they knew it from the start

And these are the things we go through
Let's take control and be ourselves
Let's not waste time wondering about
How we're gonna make it out

Wake up everyone around you
Let's rock until the clock stikes two
Stand up for what you believe
And shout too
Here's another song from the youth that surround you

Wake up everyone around you
Let's rock until the clock stikes two
Stand up for what you believe
And shout too
Here's another song from the youth that surround you

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Other Hawk Nelson song Lyrics
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    and I've never felt the feeling
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    and now..."
  • First Time
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    I sit around wasting time, feel like the poster for a
    self-help line
    will we know the truth when we're older..."
  • From Underneath
    "From underneath
    I wanted you
    To see the first thing that I ever poured my heart into
    You'll never know the pain that I've been through..."
  • Jasons Song
    "come back
    don't leave
    keep stalling
    come back..."

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