Hawksley Workman - Bullets Lyrics

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Artist: Hawksley Workman
Song Title: Bullets
Visits: 692
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you are every bit a soldier
i won't forget you too soon
you've got
pies in the oven
all across the sea
i'm just here fighting for our liberty
that and a cold glass of beer
yeah that's why i'm here
and stealin' coins is not really stealin'
when i'm with these boys
no we don't share feelings
but we sure make noise
crashing' on enemy walls
we crash till it falls
and if i fall to taste the ground
and you hear that fire bell sound
don't fear
it's just a bullet
bouncing off my helmet
don't fear
don't fear
it's just a bullet
bouncing off my helmet
don't fear
keep this between you and me baby
don't tell the papers just what i said
just let them figure it out
what's in my head
and ships at bay
i tattooed an anchor right beside your name
an anchor so sure that i won't float away
it's under my uniform sleeve
it's there till i leave
and if i fall to taste the ground
and you hear that fire bell sound
don't fear it's just a bullet
bouncing off my helmet
don't fear
don't fear
it's just a bullet
bouncing off my helmet
don't fear
don't fear
don't fear
it's just a bullet
bouncing off my helmet
don't fear
don't fear
it's just a bullet
bouncing off my helmet
don't fear
don't fear(don't fear)
it's just a bullet(it's just a bullet just a bullet that you hear)
bouncing off my helmet
don't fear
don't fear (don't fear)
it's just a bullet (it's just a bullet just a bullet that you hear)
boncing off my helmet
don't fear
don't fear

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    "Baby this night
    This nights for us
    And baby this night
    Can only be seen as yours and mine..."
  • Claire Fontaine
    "Claire Fontaine
    Who are you?
    I like the paper you make
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    "Sharks follow my trail, and it won't be long
    They've fallen for the oldest trick in the book
    It never goes wrong oh no
    Mask and snorkel and a bottle of ketchup..."
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