Hawksley Workman - Strip Tease Lyrics

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Artist: Hawksley Workman
Song Title: Strip Tease
Visits: 645
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in a house by the tracks
I want, i want you back
in a dress that's painted black
i want you back, i want you back

all the ways my mother taught me how
i want, i want you now
in any place you'll allow
i want you now, i want you now

it's never very hard stayin' true
when i'm stayin' true to you
and your kisses are all i think about
your purpose and your moves and your grooves
and the little things you do
and the silly things you love about

i called, you came
i called, you came
it seems to be our only way
i'll be driven of the kissin'
that i'm missin'
truly wishin' that you'll listen
when i sweetly ask to you

strip tease for me, baby
strip tease for me, baby
strip tease for me, baby

all the ways you never ever had
i want, i want you bad
you know i'll never make you sad
i want you bad, i want you bad

as if i never said the worst
i want, i want you first
the only thing that can quench my thirst
i want you first, i want you first

it's never very hard stayin' true
when i'm stayin' true to you
and your kisses are all i think about
your purpose and your moves and your grooves
and the little things you do
and the silly things you love about

i called, you came
i called, you came
it seems to be our only way
i'll be driven of the kissin'
that i'm missin'
truly wishin' that you'll listen
when i sweetly ask to you

strip tease for me, baby
strip tease for me, baby
strip tease for me, baby

in a house that's by the tracks
I want, i want you back
in the dress that's painted black
i want you back, i want you back

all the ways my mother taught me how
i want, i want you now
in any place you'll allow
i want you now, i want you now

it's never very hard stayin' true
when i'm stayin' true to you
or your kisses that i think about
your purpose and your moves and your grooves
and the little things you do
and the silly things you love about

i called, you came
i called, you came
it seems to be the only way
i'll be driven of the kissin'
that i'm missin'
truly wishin' that you'll listen
when i sweetly say to you

strip tease for me, baby
strip tease for me, baby
strip tease for me, baby

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Other Hawksley Workman song Lyrics
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  • Anger as Beauty
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    Say a quiet prayer
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    Praying that you might be there..."
  • Autumns Here
    "You can tell by the wind
    By the fresh cut wood
    All stacked to dry
    That autumn's here..."
  • Baby This Night
    "Baby this night
    This nights for us
    And baby this night
    Can only be seen as yours and mine..."
  • Bullets
    "you are every bit a soldier
    i won't forget you too soon
    you've got
    pies in the oven..."
  • Claire Fontaine
    "Claire Fontaine
    Who are you?
    I like the paper you make
    We were introduced..."

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