Hawkwind - Sonic Attack Lyrics

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Artist: Hawkwind
Hawkwind Author
Album: Space Ritual CD2 (2002)
Hawkwind - Space Ritual CD2 Album
Song Title: Sonic Attack
Genre: Metal: Heavy
Visits: 612
Print Version

In case of Sonic Attack on your district, follow these rules.....

If you are making love it is imperative to bring all bodies to orgasm
Do not waste time blocking your ears.
Do not waste time seeking a soundproof shelter.
Try to get as far away from the sonic source as possible,
but do not panic.....

Use your wheels. It is what they are for.
Small babies may be placed inside the special cocoons,
which should be left if possible, in a shelter.
Do not attempt to use your own limbs.
If no wheels are available, metal, not organic, limbs
should be employed whenever practical.....

Remember, in the case of Sonic Attack, Survival does mean every man for himself.
Statistically more people survive if they think only of themselves.
Do not attempt to rescue friends, relatives, or loved ones.
You have only a few seconds to escape.
Use those seconds sensibly or you will inevitably die.
Do not panic.
Think only of yourselves....

These are the first signs of Sonic Attack:
You will notice small objects, such as ornaments, oscillating.
You will notice a vibration in your vertebrae.
You will hear a distand hissing in your ears.
You will feel dizzy.
You will feel the need to vomit.
There will be bleeding from orifices.
There will be an ache in the pelvic region.
You may be subject to fits of hysterical shouting, or even laughter.

These are all sign of imminent Sonic destruction.
Your only real protection is flight.
If you are less than ten years old, then remain in your shelter and use
your cocoon.
But remember:
You can help no-one else, No-one lese, No-one else......


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    Is this the start of Chaos' fight?
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Space Ritual CD2" album, click "Hawkwind Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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