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Holster Song Lyrics
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you are who you are to someone else, whos waking up to your smile. he's watching you sleep, and hearing about your dreams... but if he gets any closer, im gonna put on my holster, have a showdown with him on your street. he's picking you up and droppingn you off, and waiting around inbetween. he's falling so hard, i know your on guard. if he gets any closer, i'm gonna put on my holster, have a showdown with him on your street. or maybe i'll just talk to him, and tell him he'll never win, your heart, cause it belongs to me. you are who you are, to someone else, whos waking up to your smile. he's falling so hard, i know you're on guard. if he gets any closer, i'm gonna put on my holster, have a showdown with him on your street, or maybe i'll just talk to him, and tell him that he'll never win, your heart, cause it belongs to me.
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