Haystak - Cool People Lyrics

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Artist: Haystak
Song Title: Cool People
Visits: 779
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If it wasn't for the bad

There wouldn't be no good

I want you to honk your horn

If your just glad to be leaving (yes sir)

Me I'm big haystak its just a pleasure to be here

A lil jam I wrote for people that mean allot to me

And it goes a lil something like this

I dedicate this to true friends

Ones that's gonna be there

Whether your in a bubble eyed Benz or the Federal Penn

Ones that will show you love when your surrounded by hate

Wont say nothing behind your back they cant say to your face

The ones that will come to your grave and pour beer on your plot

Cry at your funeral whether you like it or not

The onesthat'll put money in the mail

The ones that will go check on the kids and Gail while you in jail

Now that's a real mother... tsshh

The ones you can turn to when you need em the most

Tell you to stay focused and keep your enemies close

The ones that aint worried about what they can get out of ya

Be there with 20 people talking bout finna kick tha... tsshh

The ones that watch suckers come and go cuz they was really friends

Prove they loyalty to ya time and time again

The ones that know you and what your all about

The ones your life wouldn't be the same with out them damn...

Coool peoples

And you'll always be, cool with me

coool peoples

And you'll always be, ever so cool

(Everyone can relate to this one here...)

Leaving you was the hardest thing I ever had to do

I don't know if it was your mouth or my attitude that destroyed our group

Went out dancing or just walking in circles

Screaming at each other till we both turned purple

Heard you got a new man and got a new plan

I wish you the best you know what I'm saying

Regardless you'll be (coool with me)

From time to time I think about ya till the hours pass

Reminisce on how you was shaped like a hour glass

Come to think of it we aint even spoke in months

Hit me up lil momma we can pshhh

Cuz you coool peoples

And you'll always be, cool with me

coool peoples

And you'll always be, ever so cool

The ones that you lost along the way but will find they way back

The ones that had love for J before he was Haystak

The ones that will watch your back when you drunk in the club

Come to your girls and get you to keep you from shhh

The ones that will always be behind you

When you get that big head they going to be there to remind you

Where you came from and who you really is

The ones that's been there since yall was little kids

The ones that loved you told you can do anything you wanted to

what ever you decide to do give em everything you got boo

People you can turn to in your time of need

Holler at your home boy the hustle he might front you some weed

The people that who will be there in jail to see your ass

Put they fist to the glass (one love homie)

The ones that will be down to the very end

Yawl aint related by blood but they just like ken

Coool peoples

And you'll always be, cool with me

coool peoples

And you'll always be, ever so cool

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    like this, here I say...."
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