H-Blockx - Fight The Force Lyrics

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Artist: H-Blockx
H-Blockx Author
Album: Time To Move (1994)
H-Blockx - Time To Move Album
Song Title: Fight The Force
Genre: Rock: Alternative
Visits: 688
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Gunshot, black man drops with fear in his eyes he lies and he cries,
but they huntdown, break him down, society has made a new force,
but it's not new but old, cause the force thinks of a superior race
they wanted back then, but now these fuckers want to break all the necks
of strangers and those who fled from fears to find peace,
they never have had, we got but the force is tryin to stop,

so they go out and bust heads and freedom, peace and democracy,
so don't close your eyes, take a stand, fight the force and all their lives!

Fight the force, yeah, you gotta fight the force, fight the force!

No matter colour or race, the problem lies behind their own face,
on their minds there's just hate, their fate is life for the human race
so fight any chance for the force to expand and vastly enhance,
their hatred inside against the outside, outside, outside
politicians, you too, out go and reign and find us a clue
to stop the drama we got but the force is not tryin to stop

so don't close your eyes, take a stand fight the force and all their lies


So strike back the force, go out and stop their brutality course,
if not, then there's terror, freedom and peace is seen no more
cause they don't just bust heads, but freedom peace and democracy
so don't close your eyes, take a stand fight the force and all their lies


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  • Discover My Soul
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  • How Do You Feel ?
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  • Heaven
    "I'm longing for some space
    I'm longing for the place
    I'm longing for the days,
    Where you start listening to me..."
  • Step Back
    "Hey yo! This is Dee Bullit from Da P-Pack Posse
    Yo, Some motherfuckers tryin' to sweat my homies from the H-Blockx
    But we ain't going out like that, yo, ya listen up real good
    H-Blockx rollin with Da P-Pack..."
  • I Cant Rely On You
    "I'm feeling my mind is
    Blowing me out of place right now
    I cannot deny it
    So I won't and I keep defying..."
  • I Heard Him Cry
    "Fire shine through my liquid sunlight,
    thoughts of those I love hurt my head...
    and with another golp I`ll wash 'em..
    down, to stop them spinning me around......"
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Time To Move" album, click "H-Blockx Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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