Head Automatica - The Razor Lyrics

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Artist: Head Automatica
Head Automatica Author
Album: Decadence (2004)
Head Automatica - Decadence Album
Song Title: The Razor
Genre: Rock: Electronic
Visits: 687
Print Version

This is television, late night television, scripted with precision
A corner store pulp fiction sits where your heart isn't
And with your eyes so green, and your pinkish theme
You made an old friend seem rather dead to me
Alas, the weapon sex can be

Your body is a weapon and you're afraid it could get out
A friend of the devil and you're afraid it could get out

Don't say I don't cut when I do, I do, I do (I do, I do)
Don't say I'm lying when I'm true, I'm true, I'm true (I do, I do)
The razor

You rub of suspicious, so vile and aniscious, with a heart so vicious
And dare you ask what this is, this is so delicious
To eat the best of you like the others do
We take your pride from you
The drive-in, the embassy, the Jets, it's all the same to me

Your body is a weapon and you're afraid it could get out
A friend of the devil and you're afraid it could get out

Don't say I don't cut when I do, I do, I do (I do, I do)
Don't say I'm lying when I'm true, I'm true, I'm true (I do, I do)
The razor (the razor)
Don't say we're healing when it's just not what we do

So many suitors, I don't even have a suit to wear
So many influential fingers running through your hair
I am the razor in the hands of your heart
And I am the razor in the hands of god

Don't say I don't cut when I do, I do, I do (I do, I do)
Don't say I'm lying when I'm true, I'm true, I'm true (I do, Ido)
The razor (the razor)
Don't say we're healing when it's just not what we do (the razor)
Don't say we're healing when it's just not what we do (the razor)
Don't say we're healing when it's just not what we do

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    Well, prizes don't come around as easy as you want 'em
    Now, you want a mountain with your face engraved
    so everybody in the world can see the' face of nothing' change..."
  • Dance Party Plus
    "You'll never catch a penny-pinching liar off guard,
    You can't escape the tension till it leaves you undone,
    You can't imagine passion till your hearts become one,
    And you'll never feel rhythm until the beat has just begun...."
  • Disco Hades II
    "I can not cross the line again, Idolize the body and hand
    My head is hot enough to spin, running through the line in the sand
    No no no no, ohhh hungry and addicted again
    No no no no, ohhh almost with no conscience at all..."
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    like the angels do, the angels do..."
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Decadence" album, click "Head Automatica Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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