Head Machine - American High Lyrics
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American High Song Lyrics
Head Machine
Supercharger (2001)
Song Title:
American High
Metal: Alternative
Print Version
I was that kid sittin' over in the corner
Smiling with a shit-eating grin
And I was that kid smilin' In the back of class
'Cause I'm fryin on mescaline
I was that kid drinkin' 40's on the bleachers
Getting drunk after school
Gettin' home too late, fallin' on my face
Way too drunk to skate
And actin' a fool
I was that kid never doing good at
Nothing except for maybe at P.E.
And I was that kid getting bullied by the
Filipinos rollin' with ABT
Me and my friends reading
The satanic bible thinking we should start a band
Cutting class to jam, cutting class to jam
In my dad's garaged we learned to
Act a fool - don't need to be cool
Pissed off too and breaking the rules
Mama told me stay in school
Don't rock 'n roll
But this is my american high
I was that kid crank-calling
Your girlfriend, couldn't get a goddamn date
And I was that kid that was
Getting hella busted for pissin' on the bart train
I fuckin' hated school except for hanging out with my friends
The outcast that was startin' up a band
Fremont was the town, California-bound
Bay area sound, taught me to
Act a fool - don't need to be cool
Pissed off too and breaking the rules
Mama told me stay in school
Don't rock 'n roll
But this is my american high
I'm that kid you tried to punk in english class
Now I'm in a band and your kissin' my...
Asteroids beat out homework
Slayer beat out Zeppelin
Not the sharpest noggin
That's why I'm in this band
And what you got against me, I don't need a new job
What you got against me, I'll get by on my own
Tellin' me I'm never gettin' by from songs
I love it when your proven wrong
Act a fool - don't need to be cool
Pissed off too and breaking the rules
Mama told me stay in school
Don't rock 'n roll
But this is my american high
Act a fool - don't need to be cool
Break the rules
Cause this is my american high
American High Lyrics
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Other Head Machine song Lyrics
"In to the battles, making cages rattle
There?s a pain that?s inside us and we?re letting out
Charge right it? we dare to fail
No on is giving in, always we live to win..."
White Knuckle Blackout
"Veins are a racetrack for fuel that I need
Life on the edge is the bread which I feed
Standing alone open for all to see
My tunnel vision for life, it drives me..."
Crashing Around You
""I am your nightmares, true scares
That dream when you can't stop from falling
Can't fight, can't run
Can't stop the person you've become..."
Kick You When Youre Down
"Love for my love, hate for my hate
Strength for my strength and pain for my pain
Pride for my pride, match it inside
Trust that I find in you..."
Only The Names
"Welcome in my friend
Out of the cold where it's warm
Please step in
What's your name my friend..."
All In Your Head
"You tell me, I've been walking on a railing
Been excelling at failing
That I think wrong, I don't belong
I don't fit, I don't give a shit..."
"One more time you've gotten into my head
I've let your words get into me
Every time I try to talk, you never listen
You got the answers, I don't know a thing..."
Blank Generation
"They say we been
going down and going
Been traveling on the road..."
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Head Machine Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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