Head Machine - Blank Genertation Lyrics

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Artist: Head Machine
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Song Title: Blank Genertation
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They say we been
Going down and going down
Been traveling on the road to nowhere
Going down, round and round
Trying to get to the place where we started

When I was just a boy
At four years old thought the world was joy
As a kid I'd play, just create the day
As I saw it my way

But time blows by

And strips us down to the bone
Poisoned winds of woe
Teach us that we're
Alone in this world
We learned to see all the corruption and greed
All its hate, All it's pain, so
A toast to the end of our innocence
A toast to a blank generation

They say we been
Going down and going down
Been traveling on the road to nowhere
Going down, round and round
Trying to get to the place where we started

When I was seventeen
Realizing the world wasn't what she seemed
Underneath the night San Fransisco sky
I would see, too clearly

But time blows by

And strips us down to the bone
Poisoned winds of woe
Teach us that we're
Alone in this world
We learned to see all the corruption and greed
All its hate, All it's pain, so
A toast to the end of our innocence
A toast to a blank generation

So here's to our collagen lips and saline tits
To our growth hormones and antibiotics
To the Hollywood world we made out of Barbie doll hearts
After we melted them down so we could make a new start
Here's to a generation scared and always wondering why
Instead of playing doctor we play shoot each other and die
Instead of ring around the rosie, we play hide from mommy
Cause mommy's been been drinking again and we don't want to get beat
Even with all our tattoos, and all our cheap thrills
There's still a hole inside of us that may not ever get filled
So we give back a little bit of what the worlds given us
Giving back a bit of never giving a fuck

Here's to the justice never dealt, to innocent, proven guilty
Here's to bad cops turning cheeks when real cops are on the street
Here's to the "Rat-tat-n-tat" of gun shots, and your life is shattered
Here's to "Gimme your cash or your brains is gettin' splattered"
Here's to mad cow disease and all that yummy MSG
Here's to Micky D's serving all those mutant chick-a-dees
This is a toast to celebrate the end of our innocence
This is a toast to celebrate how...
We've become desensitized
If life is to grow
Some life must die

We learned to take all the corruption and greed
All it's hate, all it's pain so
A toast to the end of our innocence
Our generation
We now embrace all the corruption
And greed, all it's hate, all it's pain, so
A toast to the end of our innocence
Our blank generation

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Other Head Machine song Lyrics
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  • Crashing Around You
    ""I am your nightmares, true scares
    That dream when you can't stop from falling
    Can't fight, can't run
    Can't stop the person you've become..."
  • Kick You When Youre Down
    "Love for my love, hate for my hate
    Strength for my strength and pain for my pain
    Pride for my pride, match it inside
    Trust that I find in you..."
  • Only The Names
    "Welcome in my friend
    Out of the cold where it's warm
    Please step in
    What's your name my friend..."
  • All In Your Head
    "You tell me, I've been walking on a railing
    Been excelling at failing
    That I think wrong, I don't belong
    I don't fit, I don't give a shit..."
  • American High
    "I was that kid sittin' over in the corner
    Smiling with a shit-eating grin
    And I was that kid smilin' In the back of class
    'Cause I'm fryin on mescaline..."
  • Nausea
    "One more time you've gotten into my head
    I've let your words get into me
    Every time I try to talk, you never listen
    You got the answers, I don't know a thing..."

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