Headless Chickens - George Lyrics
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George Song Lyrics
Headless Chickens
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You know you don?t love me but you still want to touch me
feel my body well It makes me feel ugly
want to use me emotionally abuse me
show the rope and dangle It above me
want the truth and nothing but the whole truth
say I?m nervous but I?m looking for the real proof
found the photo and the little piece of paper
without a name but that will come later
It would seem that your no good at deceit
It would appear that you lie and you cheat
want to shriek to the beings in the corner
want to howl coz It feels like torture
Spare me your weak apologies
I dont care for the way they make me bleed
can?t find a reason and you won?t explain
you?ll be sorry If It happens again
Lets make a deal or I?ll hurt you, you know
Beat a path to my door why, why, why
say all the things you said before why why
tell me the gospel according to you
You know you don?t love me but you still want to touch me
feel my body well It makes me feel ugly
want to use me emotionally abuse me
show the rope and dangle It above me
You know you don?t love me but you still want to touch me
feel my body well It makes me feel ugly
want to use me emotionally abuse me
show the rope and dangle It above me
Lets make a deal or I'll hurt you, you know
You Haven?t a notion and you haven?t a clue
you have to know I cannot trust you,
now I know to well your ways
now I know I?ll always pay
So I?ll sit in my room not daring to move
never raising my voice and thinking of you
and I?ll try to Imagine that we never met
try to pretend and I?ll try to forget
Lets make a deal or I?ll hurt you, you know
Beat a path to my door why, why, why
say all the things you said before why why
tell me the gospel according to you
You know you don?t love me but you still want to touch me
feel my body well It makes me feel ugly
want to use me emotionally abuse me
show the rope and dangle It above me
You know you don?t love me but you still want to touch me
feel my body well It makes me feel ugly
want to use me emotionally abuse me
show the rope and dangle It above me
You know you don?t love me but you still want to touch me
feel my body well It makes me feel ugly
want to use me emotionally abuse me
show the rope and dangle It above me
George Lyrics
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Other Headless Chickens song Lyrics
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