Headnoise - Lying Durge Lyrics

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Artist: Headnoise
Song Title: Lying Durge
Visits: 675
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In the middle of the masses

An island on the sea

Unyielding are the people

They cannot hear, the cannot see

They're marching to the beat of a hopeless drum

Repetitious clogging leading towards death

It's numbing like a heartbeat lulling you to bed

Obedient to whispers, ultimate devoid

Is it grand to march towards hell?

Where are you going

What's your purpose

Listen and hear

Your band leader is a liar!

Destination pointing in one direction

No consolation for misspent feeling

The misery of marching without any peace

Weighted by the people who sweat against me

Can you hear the voice of freedom?

Can you hear the voice of love?

It's not too late to turn around

Time's not lent to doom

A voice still calls your name right now

99 left for the one still wanting

Can you hear them marching, marching along

Marching alon to the same old song

Circling the world, marching to their grave

Ignoring, wanting arms of the one who saves

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