Heart Restless - Why Does It Have To Be Wrong Or Right Lyrics

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Artist: Heart Restless
Heart Restless Author
Album: Greatest Hits (1998)
Heart Restless - Greatest Hits Album
Song Title: Why Does It Have To Be Wrong Or Right
Genre: Country
Visits: 708
Print Version

It's no secret; somebody waits at home for you,
And I know how hard it seems for you to do.
So if you really believe this love is so wrong,
We don't have to carry on.
But still I wonder:
Why does it have to be wrong or right?
Why does it have to be one way or the other?
Won't somebody please, please tell me.
Why does it have to be black or white?
Why do we have to hurt one to love another?
Oh, tell me why?
Why does it have to be?

Can say that you didn't know where this might lead.
And I know I couldn't have been that hard to read.
But we both know this is not where you belong.
There's no need to carry on,
Ah, but I can't help but wonder:

Why does it have to be wrong or right?
Why does it have to be one way or the other?
Won't somebody please, please tell me.
Why does it have to be black or white?
Why do we have to hurt one to love another?
Oh, tell me why?
Why does it have to be?

Why does it have to be wrong or right?
Why does it have to be one way or the other?
(Won't somebody please.)
Won't somebody please, please tell me.
Why does it have to be black or white?
Why do we have to hurt one to love another?
(Oh, tell me.)
(Oh, tell me.)
Oh, tell me why?

Oh, tell me why does it have to be wrong or right?
Why does it have to be one way or the other?
Won't somebody please, please tell me.
Why does it have to be black or white?
Why do we have to hurt one to love another?
(Oh, tell me.)
Oh, tell me why?

To Fade.

(Oh, tell me.)
Why does it have to be wrong or right?
Why does it have to be one way or the other?
Won't somebody please, please tell me.
Why does it have to be black or white?
Why do we have to hurt one to love another

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    I wish that I could feel that way again..
    I remember these summer night On the brink of love..."
  • Fast Movin Train
    "She had a long line of loves,
    Mostly the gambling kind.
    I didn't want to be like the others,
    And get left behind...."
  • Dancys Dream
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    At the Lighthouse Gospel Church with his hands folded in prayer.
    An' standin' right beside him was his pretty hometown bride.
    But no-one could have guessed what he was prayin' deep inside...."
  • Long Lost Friend
    "Once upon a long ago
    Someone touched my heart and soul, my life
    You and I were meant to be
    Was I just to blind to see the light in your eyes..."
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Greatest Hits" album, click "Heart Restless Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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