Heat Reverend Horton - Lie Detector Lyrics

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Artist: Heat Reverend Horton
Heat Reverend Horton Author
Song Title: Lie Detector
Visits: 596
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If it makes you feel better

Here's a little tip

If I screwed up

You'd be the first

To get hip

You are the lie detector


Waiting for a slip

Ain't no way to live.

I gotta take the test

If you've gotta give.

You are the lie detector

You are the lie detector

You are the truth protector

You are the lie detector girl, yeah

What kind of thing could be

Running through your mind?

What the hell you thinking that

You're gonna find?



You got nothing on me!



Officer, prosecutor,

Judge, and Jury too.

What the hell you think

exactly that you're gonna prove?

You are the lie detector (Yeah!)

You are the lie detector (Yeah!)

You are the truth protector

You are the lie detector girl, yeah


You are the lie detector

You are the truth protector

You are the lie detector girl, yeah


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