Heather Nova - Virus of the Mind Lyrics
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Heather Nova Singer Lyrics
Virus of the Mind Song Lyrics
Heather Nova
Beautiful Angel (2001)
Song Title:
Virus of the Mind
Print Version
While I was watching this talk show the other day
And on it there was this guy
And he was saying "When you let other people tell you what's right
when you leave your instinct and your own truth behind he said
that's a virus of the mind,
that's a virus of the mind"
Well I guess it's kinda like loosing your sight
For a second you think that they might be right
And it feeds the doubts that you have inside
It almost starts to feels like a crime
To follow your own rhythm and rhyme
I'm pretty happy, living in my
My own sweet time, living in my
I'm pretty happy, and I don't need your
Virus of the mind
Your virus of the mind
Well I went to this party thing last night
A lot of people I hadn't seen in a long long time
And they wanted to know about my life
But making me feel like it wasn't quite right
Like "Where's is your kids?" and "Where is you car?"
I said "I don't have either but I have a guitar"
And I ended up feeling like I was a freak
So I found some wine and something to eat
I talked to the dog to pass the time
I told myself "I'm doing just fine"
It's just a virus of the mind
It's just a virus of the mind
I'm pretty happy, living in my
My own sweet time, living in my
Yeah I'm pretty happy, and I don't need your
Virus of the mind
Your virus of the mind
It's in the deep of your soul, it's on the tip of your tongue
It's the feeling you get, when you feel young
It's in the sound of a beat, it's in the base of your spine
It's in your gut reaction, yeah every time
But they tell you what you should have, they tell you who you should be
It's in the pictures and ads and in the magazines
I'm kicking it off like a bug in the breeze
Cause is anyone out there inside me
I say "Is anyone out there inside me?"
I say "Is anyone?"
I'm pretty happy, living in my
My own sweet time, living in my
Yeah I'm pretty happy, and I don't need your
Virus of the mind
I'm pretty happy, living in my
My own sweet time, living in my
Yeah I'm pretty happy, and I don't need your
Virus of the mind
Your virus of the mind
Virus of the Mind Lyrics
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Other Heather Nova song Lyrics
"Sometimes I'm an indian
Caught only by the sky,
I can't go further -
I'm going inside...."
"It gets inside you like the sun,
it makes you wet just like the rain.
It makes you sound so sentimental,
it's a lovely kind of pain...."
Light Years
"You found me
big motion like a bird,
strangest song I ever heard...."
"Fall for me, my southern cross, my star
Shine for me when love has gone too far
I've got you belly-deep in me
Just a little breath on the water is all we need..."
Throwing Fire At The Sun
"I think of Venus sinking down into the sea.
And what it is to be alone and have nothing.
I don't know why you want to leave this space between.
Is it easier to be alone and have nothing?..."
Walk This World
"I have slept beside the winter and the green is growing slow
I have watched you find the places hidden by the snow
I have tripped into a valley that is blue till you can see
I want you to come walk this world with me..."
"Tonight my life is moving fast
I sit and watch the demons pass
A world I know but never seen
A fear that ripped the colour from me..."
Talking To Strangers
"I'm talking to strangers
To see what I feel;
Your face is changing now
And nothing seems real...."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Beautiful Angel" album, click "
Heather Nova Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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