Heaven 17 - Contenders Lyrics

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Artist: Heaven 17
Heaven 17 Author
Album: Best Of The 80's (2000)
Heaven 17 - Best Of The 80
Song Title: Contenders
Genre: Rock
Visits: 631
Print Version

We're going to stop this world from turning
We build it up you knock it down
If you go high then we'll go higher
Beyond the sky without a sound
It's gonna take a lot but we got plenty
Keep building up keep movin' round
If you use ten then we'll use twenty
They're up above and undergrond - all around

We've won we've lost we've counted up the cost
And we've evened out the scores we are contenders

I'm telling you so pay attention
These words of truth come from above
In God we trust and he has told me
I need you now and I'm talking love
We want a piece of what you're selling
Put up your hands and face the wall
How much it costs there is no telling
How much it costs to walk so small - and we're so tall

In truth we dare we people just don't care
We've got you running scared we are contenders
Rich or poor or hiding from the law
You know what we've got in store we are contenders
You're black, or white, Arab, Christian, Israelite
We are hiding in plain sight we are contenders

Don't bother asking for a favour
I always get all that I want
Though some are foolish we are braver
Than those who do not have a bomb
Forget the turning of the seasons
Let's escalate and never stop
And yes we've talked but for no reason
Let's start agan right from the top - countdowm

10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1!!!!!!!!!

Got the world on a string but it ain't got that swing
You speed it up we slow it down
A frontier wilder than the West ever was
No sheriff round this outlaw town
So Superman if you're listening
Help us out you're on the team

For truth and justice, the American way
The fight for right's not what it seems - with laser beams

With gun and sword there is no reward
But we're fighting on we are contenders
We've won we've lost and we've counted up the cost
And we've evened out the scores we are contenders
You're black, or white, Arab, Christian, Israelite
We are hiding in plain sight we are contenders
No virgin birth is going to claim the earth
We know what you're worth we are contenders

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Other Heaven 17 song Lyrics
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  • This Is Mine
    "No more wasting time
    Tell them this is mine
  • Play To Win
    "City clubland, theatre, dockland
    Empty house, no audience
    Smiles of fortune, no man master
    Play to win and break the bank..."
  • Let Me Go
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    We were together all the way
    An endless path unbroken
    But now there is a time..."
  • Penthouse And Pavement
    "Sweat my youth away
    With the rules we have to play
    Speeding through your magazine
    Pistol, pavement, no T.V...."
  • Trouble
    "I'm in a place where nothing ever happens
    I'll try one day to walk away
    But for now I'll hand around
    I am a fool without exception..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Best Of The 80's" album, click "Heaven 17 Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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