Heavenblast - Heavenblast Lyrics

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Artist: Heavenblast
Song Title: Heavenblast
Visits: 667
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Hey you, I've seen man's destiny
In a time of sorrow
And I describe my dream
When I fall into desire
To feel new emotions
The fog above my eyes
is dust of ignorance

Another season of my life
begins too late
When will man understand
his time?
The only profeth fo your life
is in your mind
but you don't want
to hear him right

Lead me inside of the
question for miracle
and it's not too late
to do it

when you try to find
the real story full of power
blast of glory time,
for a reason tonight
must believe in your mind
spread your wings, spring again
now begin another game.

Hey you, I've seen man's destiny
In a time of sorrow
And I describe my dream
When I fall into desire
To feel new emotions
The fog above my eyes
is dust of ignorance

when you try to find
the real story full of power
blast of glory time,
for a reason tonight
must believe in your mind
spread your wings, spring again
in the name of the Heavenblast
when you try to find
the real story full of power
blast of glory time

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Other Heavenblast song Lyrics
  • Inside The Universe
    "Galaxies like lamps in the dark,
    black holes lost in the bottom of the space
    Fly with no more weight,
    with no more mark and under me..."
  • Last Smile
    "Look into his eyes, the colossus of the life
    Before another day, emperor of your time
    When the time has come, revolution in my heart
    Before another day, a life can't end this way..."
  • Ready To Fly
    "I am in the middle of the night and the father sky is upon me,
    full of shining stars
    When I'm far away, far from the time, like a miracle my loneliness
    shows me the way tonight..."
  • Statues In The Shade
    "Sometimes I desire in a small piece of my heart
    Happiness in time of war when each one feel hate and gradge
    Look at people from the sep die and conteplate
    Blinded by the anger and by the pain..."
  • The Crown Of The Light
    "You run, must achive alone the freedom
    Escape and jump, fly in the sky like an eagle
    Hide, save now what you have, don't let it fall down
    or your world will die and your dream will vanish..."
  • The Hero Of The Eternal Flame
    "My wings fly, with the silence, in the sky
    My rebellious dreams, with the thunder, in the time
    Look, this is the road that leads to the sunset
    Flame that burns inside the memory..."
  • Tomorrow King
    "First star of the night,
    the time is about to change my life
    I never lived in your light,
    I lost my control,..."

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