Heavenly - Sign Of The Winner Lyrics
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Sign Of The Winner Song Lyrics
Sign of the Winner (2001)
Song Title:
Sign Of The Winner
Print Version
Lost in the sea, a man is searching for land.
But an angel is guiding him,
a superior force is showing him the way through his quest.
[1st Verse:]
Sun be my guide
Can you see where is the right side ?
In my quest
Which feels so hard
I heard a voice
Coming from the sky
Passing through the storm
And find your land
You have to be proud
Follow your way
It comes the wind
And the rain on my way
But the sun has never shown me its light
This kind of fear gives me force in my head
The sign of the winner is in my eyes
[2nd Verse:]
Sea, magic sea
Victory resounds to my mind
Future is not so far
The angel's voice calls me one more time
Passing through the storm
And find your land
You have to be proud
Follow your way
It comes the wind
And the rain on my way
But the sun has never shown me its light
This kind of fear gives me force in my head
The sign of the winner is in my eyes
[Solo (Fred)]
Wings of destiny follow the wind
Wind of destiny follow your dreams
[Solo (Fred)]
[Chorus :]
It comes the wind
And the rain on my way
But the sun has never shown me its light
This kind of fear gives me force in my head
The sign of the winner is in my eyes
It comes the wind
And the rain on my way
But the sun has never shown me its light
This kind of fear gives me force in my head
The sign of the winner is in my eyes
Sign Of The Winner Lyrics
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