Heavenly England - Pet Monkey Lyrics

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Artist: Heavenly England
Song Title: Pet Monkey
Visits: 690
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(Calvin's parts are italicized)

I just can't quite explain

Why it's not the same

With you anymore

It's not that you have changed

Or that we're estranged

I just wanted more

I've always lived my life

Under watchful eyes

Always someone's girl

You only wanted me

As you thought I'd be

Living in your world

Your insanity

Is not lost on me

Mess around with hearts

So easily broke

I still can't


It's not all a joke

What do you know

What do you care

How could you think

Things were okay

How could I know

Behind that stare

You're on the brink

I couldn't stay



Whatever you say



You wouldn't stay

Stop sleeping and start bleeding

I know you're hurt and it's not fair

Stop dreaming and start bleeding

Blood on your shirt and in your hair

It kind of hurts when you're

(Here and) not there

And I can't quite explain

Why you act insane

Why you fail to cope

Something inside your brain

Trips a switch again

And you lose all hope

I'm not responsible

If you lose control

If you go too far

You try and cut yourself

But it doesn't help

It just leaves a scar

Messing around with

Hands and glass and games of

Smash and and brag, I guess I'll

Have to live with

Cussing out

All of my mistakes

What do you know

What do you care

How could you think

Things were okay

How could I know

Behind that stare

You're on the brink

I couldn't stay



Whatever you...


I'm scarred


Stop sleeping and start bleeding

I know you're hurt and it's not fair

Stop dreaming and start bleeding

Blood on your shirt and in your hair

It kind of hurts when you're

(Here and) not there

Stop dreaming and start screaming

It's so hard trying not to care

Stop breathing and start screaming

But you're too much for me to bear

It kind of hurts when you're

(Here and) not there

(Amelia sings Calvin's part here)

What do you know

What do you care

How could you think

Things were okay

How could I know

Behind that stare

You're on the brink

I couldn't stay



Whatever you say



You wouldn't stay

Stop dreaming and start screaming

It's so hard trying not to care

Stop breathing and start screaming

But you're too much for me to bear

It kind of hurts when you're

(Here and) not there

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