Heavens Gate - The Sentinel Lyrics

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Artist: Heavens Gate
Heavens Gate Author
Album: A Tribute To Judas Priest (1996)
Heavens Gate - A Tribute To Judas Priest Album
Song Title: The Sentinel
Genre: Metal: Power
Visits: 695
Print Version

Along deserted avenues
Steam begins to rise
The figures primed and ready
Prepared for quick suprise
He's watching for a sign
His life is on the line

Sworn to avenge
Condemned to hell
Tempt not the blade
All fear the sentinel

Dogs whine in the alleys
Smoke is on the wind
From deep inside its empty shell
A cathedral bell begins
Ringing out its toll
A storm begins to grow


Amidst the upturned burned out cars
The challengers await
And in their fists clutch iron bars
With which to seal his fate
Across his chest in scabbards rest
The rows of throwing knives
Whose razor points in challenged tests
Have finished many lives


Now facing as another
The standoff eats at time
Then all at once the silence falls
As the bell ceases its chime
Upon this sign the challengers
With shrieks and cries rush forth
The knives fly out like bullets
Upon their deadly course
Screams of pain and agony
Rent the silent air
Amidst the dying bodies
Blood runs everywhere
The figure stands expressionless
Impassive and alone
Unmoved by this victory
And the seeds of death he's sown


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Other Heavens Gate song Lyrics
  • In Control
    "You think you have the right suspicion
    each move you make is in control
    you won't believe it's like a vision
    what do you feel? Is this the price you'll pay?..."
  • Turn It Down
    "We're gonna rock you if your metal hunger burns
    drive into your heads with a 100.000 turns
    if you are made for metal, so raise your fist and yell
    Can't you hear, it sounds so clear..."
  • Surrender
    "Face to face, an eye for an eye
    guess I'm leaving this town forever
    want to break free from all those old lies
    we're living too long together..."
  • Hot Fever
    "Drivin' down the avenue
    and you hear that downtown melody
    standing in that city heat
    and you know that's your destiny..."
  • Tyrants
    "When the fire is over
    and you're down on the ground
    you are searching the daylight
    but it just can't be found..."
  • Shadows
    "As you were down again, you told me all those lies
    and you know I've to pray
    you're life is still a game, I waited for the price
    and I know I've to pay..."
  • Rising Sun
    "We cross the night, we see the light
    and our dream comes true
    we're gonna bring the power all over you
    in our hands the promised land..."
  • Touch The Light
    "In my dreams there's a fire
    and a man tells me to beware
    face to face I'm leaving to take care
    if I get a desire..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "A Tribute To Judas Priest" album, click "Heavens Gate Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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