Heep Uriah - Angel Lyrics

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Artist: Heep Uriah
Heep Uriah Author
Album: Equator (1985)
Heep Uriah - Equator Album
Song Title: Angel
Genre: Rock: Hard-Rock
Visits: 612
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Can't go to sleep without you
Starring in my dreams
I can't get you out of my head
I close my eyes, you're always there
I lock the door
But you're comin' up the stairs

Can't stay awake
I know I have to try
What will it take to stop you
Walking in my sleep
How can I break
The hold you have on me
Angel will you never
Ever set me free

Oh angel, I can't stop you
Dancing on my bed
You're an angel and
I can't get you out of my head
Angel, I can't stop you
Walking in my sleep
You're an angel and I can't
Stop you starring in my dreams

How come you're givin' me
These technicolour dreams
How can I get you out of my head
I close my eyes, you're always there
How can I get you out of my bed

I lie awake, all I see is you
I'm going crazy, what can I do
Switch off the light
Then you start to call
I lock the door
Now you're coming through the wall

Angel, I can't stop you
Dancing on my bed
You're an angel and
I can't get you out of my head
Sweet angel, I can't stop you
Walking in my sleep
You're an angel and I can't
Stop you starring in my dreams

I can't stay awake much longer
This feeling's getting stronger

You must be an angel
'Cause I can't stop you
Dancing on my bed
You're an angel and
I can't get you out of my head
Angel, I can't stop you
Walking in my sleep
You're an angel and I can't
Stop you starring in my dreams

Sweet angel, I can't stop you
Dancing on my bed
You're an angel and
I can't get you out of my head
Angel, I can't stop you

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Other Heep Uriah song Lyrics
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    I know not how she found me, for in darkness I was walking
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  • Free Me
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    Why won't you free me
    Free me from your spell
    Come on and free me..."
  • Come Back to Me
    "Daddy, daddy, come and look, see what I have found
    A little ways away from here, while digging in the ground
    Come away Melinda, come in and close the door
    It's nothing, just a picture book, they had before the war..."
  • Why Did You Go?
    "I woke up today with my head in a daze
    Cause my love had gone
    With nothing to do, just to dream about you
    And how we wnet wrong..."
  • Come Away Melinda
    "Daddy, daddy, come and look! See what I have found!
    a little ways away from here, while digging in the ground.
    Come away Melinda.
    Come in and close the door...."
  • July Morning
    "July Morning Lyrics
    There I was on a July morning looking for love.
    With the strength of a new day dawning and the beautiful sun.
    At the sound of the first bird singing I was leaving for home...."
  • Wonderworld
    "We freely speak of dreams
    We marvel at what they conceal
    But in my wonderworld
    Each sleeping vision is so real..."
  • If I Had the Time
    "If I had the time
    To re-live my life
    I don't think I'd care
    To change a thing..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Equator" album, click "Heep Uriah Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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