Hefner - Peppermint Taste Lyrics

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Artist: Hefner
Hefner Author
Album: Dead Media (2001)
Hefner - Dead Media Album
Song Title: Peppermint Taste
Genre: Rock
Visits: 955
Print Version

You had peppermint gum stuck between your teeth,
You had white shoes and bare knees in 1983.
I had you breast in my hand underneath the tree,
But as the tree lost it's leaves you went up and left me for an awkward kind of boy,
Who was far too tall and true to from it didn't last long but the peppermint taste didn't pass away for weeks,
My school friends hearts they were bitter they were cruel,
So I left when I was sixteen, didn't think of at all.
Were you thinking that way too when you turned your back on school?
Did you work in a bank? did you marry with a banker?
Do you think of fate at all? Do you think of cruelty?
Do you think of me pushing you up against that tree?
And that peppermint taste didn't pass away for weeks.
Well I may have touched your breast, but I never underneath
But we kissed to hard and we knocked each others teeth.
Did you smile with relief when I gave up the ghost and didn't ring your house no more.
Now its been twenty years, I bet you kiss real good.
I bet you kiss your banker like a bankers wife should,
And that peppermint taste doesn't pass away for weeks.

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Dead Media" album, click "Hefner Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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