Heinz Hoffmann - ENDLESS UNIVERSE Lyrics

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Artist: Heinz Hoffmann
Visits: 716
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In our galaxy
There are billions of stars and planets
And in the universe
There are billions of galaxies
On planet earth
We got thousands of different countries
And in the cause if this
We got thousands of societies

Face the endless universe
Dimensions just compare
How can we think that we are here alone ?

In society
We got millions of frightened people
And these people indeed
Got millions of fantasies
And these fantasies
Are reason and emotions
Of love and hate,
Destruction and philosophy

Scientists together now
Intelligence unite !
Get spaceships ready
To travel space and time

In our minds we see
We need a real solution
Our intelligence
Has to come together now.
When we look around We always find pollution
?Cause it won?t be stopped
We have to leave somehow

Greenpeace won?t be strong enough
Don?t think that they succeed
Get ready earth to race towards the grave!

The apocalypse
Is ringing at the front door
There?s no way out
To escape from reality
And our children won?t Inherit golden wonders
There?ll be only trash
And poison they will see

Scientists, hey, turn around
Start technical research
Get out of here?s the only way out now.

(Observers from outer space:)
Look over there I hardly can trust my eyes
What a little nice planet I got in sight
In a region of space we never looked upon
It?s rotating and it got day and night
Perhaps we could send out a spaceship
And have a look upon if there is life
Why do you stare at me as if I was mad ?
The possibility is a billion to five
We all know our planet got used up to now
And that we at last have to go
And the reason we look out with our telescopes
Is not only to search for and know.

(Back on earth)
Get on board we?ll soon have a lift off
And will ride on our spaceship to the sky
Exactly where we?re going I surely cannot say
But it doesn?t matter while we?re getting high

We are the chosen ones to explore the universe
Leave our families and friends far behind
We?re riding space and time. ?Though we might never get back
I?m looking forward to what we are gonna find.

Spaceriders, timegliders
That?s it what we are
Timegliders, spaceriders
Reach out for the stars

Check ignition and fasten seat-belts
There are only minutes left to say good-bye
Take your dream-pills and let your mind flow
It may be a long long time we?re gonna fly

Spaceriders, timegliders
That?s it what we are
Timegliders, spaceriders
Reach out for the stars

We are the chosen ones to explore the universe
Leave our families and friends far behind
We?re riding space and time. ?Though we might never get back
I?m looking forward to what we are gonna find.

Spaceriders, timegliders
That?s it what we are
Timegliders, spaceriders
Reach out for the stars

(From outer space again:)
Thank you all you people
Who made it possible for us to fly
To the edge of a galaxy so far away
While our own planet is running dry

Check up the engines we?re ready to start
In direction of a ball made of blue
We all find it hard to leave you behind
With our chance of a billion to two

Echoes of far away laughter
Are breaking my heart since we?ve gone
I try to escape from my sadness
By thinking of future and carrying on

Hey, did you see that old spaceship
That goes in direction where we come from

ENDLESS UNIVERSE Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Heinz Hoffmann song Lyrics
    "Ich hab? ?mal in ?ner Band gespielt, die kennt kaum einer mehr.
    Ich glaub? wir haben Krach gemacht, doch uns fiel das nicht schwer.
    Und einmal in der Woche ging es ab ins Lutherhaus
    zum a?ben, und ich glaub? da lebt noch heute keine Maus...."
    "Watch Ingar play in the yard and let her stay
    It?s just her way of reflection and make the day
    She sometimes finds that parents always want her do those boring things
    That couldn?t ever please her mind..."
    "Her name was Mary Jane
    She gave me comfort sometime
    I feel a bit ashamed
    Cause nowadays it?s just a crime..."
    "I?ve never slept in the bathroom
    I never dreamed of norwegian wood
    I had the honor to be always misunderstood
    I never was in the army..."
    "Come see the faker
    He?s going from door to door
    And he?s telling you lies with true blue eyes
    Cause he wants to sell you more and more..."

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