Heir Apparent - Tomorrow Night Lyrics
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Heir Apparent Singer Lyrics
Tomorrow Night Song Lyrics
Heir Apparent
Song Title:
Tomorrow Night
Print Version
I look into your eyes as you look into mine
I see you smile and look away
I sense a passion burning deep within your heart
Can this be real? I look away
And then I wander through the maze of my emotions
Looking for the answer to the question in my mind
Another dream has come and gone
I watch it fade away
And now I wander through the maze of my emotions
Looking for the answer and waiting for a sign
Tell me now - you lead, I'll follow
Will I be with you tomorrow night?
I look into your eyes as you look into mine
I see you smile and turn away
And now I tremble in the midst of my emotions
You are the question and the answer to my dreams
Tell me now - you lead, I'll follow
Will I be with you tomorrow night?
Tell me now - you lead, I'll follow
Will I be with you tomorrow?
Will I be with you tomorrow night?
I look into your eyes as you look into mine
I see you smile and come my way
Tell me now - you lead, I'll follow
Will I be with you tomorrow?
Tell me now --- you lead, I'll follow
Will I be with you tomorrow?
Will I be with you tomorrow night?
I see you smile:
Tomorrow Night Lyrics
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Other Heir Apparent song Lyrics
Just Imagine
"Just imagine things beyond the chains of understanding
Beyond reason, beyond logic, beyond fear
Believe the inconceivable, feel the unbelievable
Don't bother asking "Is this real?"..."
Crossing The Border
"Barbed wire and barriers are holding me
Though the barricades are only in my mind
I can't seem to break through the walls
Even though I am made of steel..."
"When the light starts to dim in the evening
When the day starts to fade
Your body echoes an uneasy feeling
You know you're feeling afraid..."
Alone Again
"Here I am in a spotlight
And you are home by the firelight
The words seemed so real
And baby that's why I feel..."
Cacophony Of Anger
"Somehow, somewhere, someone
Sold me the wrong set of dreams
Like a rag doll in careless hands
I come apart at the seams..."
The Sound Of Silence
"Hello darkness my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left it's seeds while I was sleeping..."
We, The People
"We, the people
Face the challenge of our lives
Apparent heirs of this domain
The time is short for us..."
Young Forever
"Watching the setting sun
You feel the days gone by
Autumn is ending- with winter impending
Was summer just a lie?..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Triad" album, click "
Heir Apparent Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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