Helheim - Jormundgand Lyrics

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Artist: Helheim
Helheim Author
Song Title: Jormundgand
Genre: Rock
Visits: 620
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I havets svarte dyp, under den farefulle sj
Havet rundt alle land, der ferdes ingen mann
Kom ssken av Jormundgand, bli med i den siste strid
Kom i deres fars navn, Loke venter dere i krig

Blgene reiser seg som fjell
de vil drepe hver konge hver trll
Der de drukner i vannet
som siger innover landet
Maktenes mrke har inntatt jorden
Ondskap siger i floden av Jormundgands blgebrus
som er lik hundre vinders sus

N ser man intet grnt
alt ligger i et askehav
Og alt det som var skjnt
ligger n i undergang
Jorden er et pent sr
som sakte synker bort
Ingen flere lever
alt er bare sort

Drept av Tors hammer
men drept blir Tor selv
Jormundgand, hersker over dypet
ondskapens mrke flod

Dd er havets hersker
Dd er ondskapens mrke flod
Dd er Lokes snn armen som omslynger Midgard
Dd er amren som aldri slapp ls for tidenes strid
Dd er Jormundgand som entret mrkets favn

[English translation:]


In the black deeps of the ocean
under the perillous sea
The ocean encompassing all the land
there no man dares to sail
Come breathren of Jormundgand
join in the final battle
Come in the name of your father
Loke awaits you in the war

The waves are rising as mountains
they will murder each king and each trell
where they drown in the sea
that is flowing over the land
The twilight of the gods has conquered the earth
Evil is saging in the flood of Jormundgands gush of waves
and sounds like the sough of a hundred winds

Now, no green can be seen
everything lies in a sea of ashes
and all that once was beautiful
is now in ruins
The earth is an open wound
which slowly fades
No more years

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Jormundgand" album, click "Helheim Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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