Hill Faith - The Hard Way Lyrics
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Hill Faith Singer Lyrics
The Hard Way Song Lyrics
Hill Faith
Faith (1998)
Song Title:
The Hard Way
Print Version
I hear every word they say
They tell me to stay away
They say I'm better off without you, baby
You've caused me nothing but pain
Heartache's your middle name
But seems I never see it coming
I'll just admit it baby
You really drive me crazy
Let go of my heart
'Cause every time you're near me
I can't think clearly
Defenses fall apart
I keep livin' and lovin' and learnin' the hard way
You're the hardest lesson, baby, of my life
I keep livin' and lovin' and learnin' the hard way
Someday baby, I will get it right
I never will understand
Why I let you think you can
Treat me any way you please, baby
I guess I hope someday
You'll settle down and say
Give me all the love I need, baby
Time and time I've found
You always let me down
Always ends the same way
You'd think that I could see the way you're treatin' me
Won't ever change
I keep livin' and lovin' and learnin' the hard way
You're the hardest lesson, baby, of my life
I keep livin' and lovin' and learnin' the hard way
Someday baby, I will get it right
If I could just hold on, if I could just be strong
My heart would see it's wrong, lovin' you, lovin' you
I keep livin' and lovin' and learnin' the hard way
You're the hardest lesson, baby, of my life
I keep livin' and lovin' and learnin' the hard way
Someday baby, I will get it right
Livin' and lovin' the hard way
You're the hardest lesson, oh baby, of my life
Livin' and lovin' the hard way
Someday, I will get it right
The Hard Way Lyrics
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Other Hill Faith song Lyrics
I Got My Baby
"Diggin' around
Feelin' so down
Floatin' around like a feather
Nothin' but me..."
Love Is A Sweet Thing
"He was sitting on a corner with a bottle of beer
And the same shopping cart he'd been pushing for years
A big smile on his face
Like the first day of spring..."
"I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way
I watch the sunlight dance across your face and I've
Never been this swept away..."
Lets Make Love (With Tim McGraw)
"Baby I've been drifting away. Dreaming all day
of holding you, and touching you.
Only thing I wanna do is be with you,
as close to you as I can be...."
It Will Be Me
"When you start falling
Who's gonna catch ya
I'm willing to bet ya
It will be me..."
The Way You Love Me
"If I could grant
You one wish
I'd wish you could see the way you kiss
Ooh, I love watching you..."
Bringing Out The Elvis
"You're bringing out the Elvis in me
You're bringing out the Elvis in me
Just like a fossil
Frozen in time I could not move..."
If My Heart Had Wings
"Damn these old wheels
Rolling too slow
I stare down this white line
With so far to go..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Faith" album, click "
Hill Faith Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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