Human League - Soundtrack to a Generation Lyrics

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Artist: Human League
Human League Author
Song Title: Soundtrack to a Generation
Visits: 707
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The smell of trees. Can only be that way. On a sunny day.
Floating through the open window. To the cool inside.
Where we lay side by side. How can anything we feel. Ever
mean so much. As a summer love? How can anything we
need. Ever get in touch. With the meaning of.

A whole life waiting? Wishing suddenly. That it's going to be
the real thing. Or separating. Try your luck again. It's just
part of the adventure.

Holy Cow. You do it to me now. "The Soundtrack to a
Generation". Oh, Wow. You're getting to me now. "The
Soundtrack to a Generation".

Another tune. Before the light has gone. And we'll be on
our way. The sounds and smells. Will always linger on.
They're in my heart today.

We feel so lucky then. The world's a massive place. But we
run into each other. Just one small happening. An accident
of fate. Or the work of co-conspirators? But if we knew.
What could it do. To help us now?

Holy Cow. You do it to me now. "The Soundtrack to a
Generation". Anyhow. Just give it to me now. "The
Soundtrack to a Generation". Oh Wow. You really got me
now. "The Soundtrack to a Generation". Holy Cow. You're
getting to me now. "The Soundtrack to a Generation".

Years have gone on in between. But all I knew at
seventeen. Is all I know now now. Through times of joy and
suffering. The music flavours everything. That's all I know

Holy Cow. You do it to me now. "The Soundtrack to a
Generation". Oh Wow. You really got me now. "The
Soundtrack to a Generation". Anyhow just give it to me
now. "The Soundtrack to a Generation".

Just give it. You're getting. You do it you really got me now.
"The Soundtrack to a Generation". Oh Wow. Just give it.
You're getting. You do it.

You really got me now. "The Soundtrack to a Generation".
Oh Wow. You really got me now. "The Soundtrack to a

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    A pebble skips across the face
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    Will I?
    Tell me when
    Will I?..."
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    They think they taunt you..."
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    Decisions to be made
    The good advice of friends unheeded
    The best of plans mislaid..."
  • The Sound Of The Crowd
    "Put your hand in a party wave
    Pass around
    Make a shroud pulling combs through a backwash frame
    Find the copies in a carbon mount..."
  • Being Boiled
    "Listen to the voice of Buddha
    Saying stop your sericulture
    Little people like your offspring
    boiled alive for some god's stocking..."

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