I MOTHER EARTH - Pisser Lyrics

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Song Title: Pisser
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Lost all my friends pulling down my/ Pants just to say hi and I'm still/ Alive without a tan, trippin', naked man,/ Through the forest who
like me/ Has fallen right into a kind of grace/ Drinking from a river of fine wine just/ To ease my mind, then fell on through/ The hole
I've made looking for a center/ In my life and just why I am

I woke in the grass fascinated with/ Moving water and the smell of my breath/ Rampaging ants carry me to death or a last/ Chance and a
swing for the fence, instead I/ Hit the bottom hard and wide looking for / Escape from the daylight and the passing time/ Digging just to
find a way someone like me/ Gets in the right line for the right ride

At just the right time, hoping it doesn't take/ Too long to find a way...

And I hope there's a sign/ I hope that it leads me well/ On the way/ I hope there's a sign/ And I hope I can read it right/ I'm running on,
over and lower/ It's slow going half the time/ I hope there's a sign/ And I hope I can read it right

It seems I've had a lifelong headcold full/ Of negatives, mindwarps and eclipsing suns/ Like hot air through my underwear while/ Sitting
in my chocolate chair at home.../ It thrills me, turn the lights out and leave/ Me alone

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