I Voted For Kodos - Todd Lyrics

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Artist: I Voted For Kodos
Song Title: Todd
Visits: 619
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Well you know that I'm a player, I always shoot to score
When I go home with a girl, she doesn't know what she's in for
I act like such a nice guy, but deep down I'm just a prick
I know that it's deception, but it always seems to do the trick

Well Todd's a different sort, he's nice straight to the bone
What I don't understand, he spends his Friday nights alone
It's not that girls don't like him, they all want to be his friend
Somehow they don't catch on,
to the message that he's trying to send

People always talk about Todd, and they wonder why he's blue
What they don't understand is Todd just needs a little love too
Never see him with a girlfriend, and they always wonder why
But all they can ever say is, Todd's a nice guy!

Todd really likes the ladies, but he's just to shy
When they talk to him all he can do is nod a say hi
He's actually quite popular, he's on the football team
Yet his situation makes me want to scream (aahhhhhh!)

People always talk about Todd, and they wonder why he's blue
What they don't understand is Todd just needs a little love too
Never see him with a girlfriend, and they always wonder why
But all they can ever say is, Todd's a nice guy!

Todd was in the band, he played the trombone
What I don't understand, he spends his nights alone
Driving in his car, hanging with the guys
He never gets to far, I wonder wonder wonder why!

People always talk about Todd, and they wonder why he's blue
What they don't understand is Todd just needs a little love too
Never see him with a girlfriend, and they always wonder why
But all they can ever say is, Todd's a nice guy!

(Todd's nice guy, Todd's a nice guy)

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  • Corrected
    "Heyy people
    have corrected before you submit them?
    Would make my job easier.
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    all it takes is just one spark and you'll start a fire
    but I said fuck it and I doused myself and lit a match and
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  • Gunpoint
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