IAM - Noir Chateau (Black Castle) Lyrics

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Artist: IAM
IAM Author
Song Title: Noir Chateau (Black Castle)
Visits: 1663
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f/ Sunz of Man, Universal

[Killah Priest]

Representin (represent)

Life (life)

The Prodigal Sunn

Universal (Universal)

Mind (mind)

In the Dark Castle, shackles, move as centaurs with axles

Dark pethic castles, till my mind pass through

worlds, I see black rain, those who got slain in the crack game

Brothers are chained, a mother's pain

Blood stains flood the sewer drains, a prosecuter named

Craved from semen, starved in precincts

Starved dillingents, frequent, kept indescent

The clothes, old bath robes is cold

Wrath and cigarette ash, you niggaz try to fed cash

Figurin who at last, the prison, no wisdom

Left for the victims, stalk like a vulture

Prey upon the culture, ultra rays blaze through the windows

I heard the voices when the wind blows

The voices of the dead souls, carried away by the black crow

[Chorus: Akhenaton]

sentinelle sur les remparts


de la guerre des (?)

mais sombre du noir chateau (x2)

sentinelle sur les remparts

du noir chateau

du noir chateau

du noir chateau (x2)


As I release this masterpiece

Prodigal Sunn, Killah Priest, the Iron Sheik from the East

You see the only solution is to rewrite the constitution

and bring truth to this confusion

My pen scroll with scrimmages, got niggaz evacuatin the premises

Claimin they seein images

So, focus, I be pocus, but the dopest shit

4 pores or more, I move it like some coke shit

So knowledge my wisdom, I write all night to improve my journalism

They scared to come within my prisms

I drop jewels that rule all rap duels

My Thai-holic expressed through my adult groove


[Prodigal Sunn]

Yo, I own a 5 with the mental mind

Never die die, cave or climb to write rhymes

There's no escape or sign, I realize the game define

Remain active, ready for combat, romanced by the stacks

Wrapped in black, '92 did a bid for pushin guns and crack

Live in the drug rap like Styles

Soldier fanatic, smoke a CD, trees fly from the attic

Streets of panic infested with transit

Black, Hispanics invade the planet with the code of mathematics

Tigers is measured, flows is ventillated with acid

Fuck a faggot, you get blunt smacked like the last kid

Smothered with plastic, get burnt like elastic

I represents from the cradle to the casket


au garde ? vous devant le drapeau

Le 14 (?) de fierte

qui celebrait les droits de l'homme blanc, riche

3 fois, plong? dans les niveaux des t?nebres

le soir si?ge

devant la citadelle

le fr?re s'?l?ve

devant le ghetto

prince sans terre

un sombre h?ros

bourreaux des blaireaux

seigneur du donjon du noir chateau

que Dieu b?nisse la lame de mon cimeterre

qu'il frappe juste

au (?) du pervers des (?)


bienvenue dans le devaste land:

bouteille cass?e, cyclo bruler

centre sociale pas vraiment termin?

peintures, facades remaquill?es

pour masquer la pauvret?

au cas o? le touriste ne serai pa pr?t

voiture de police, travail absent

embrouille au feu vert

terrasse pleine

un bon resto de poisson face ? la mer

sombre description de l'empire

qui est le mien

le noir ch?teau demeure enviol?

les gens sont ses gardiens


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