Ian Dury And The Blockheads - Oh, Mr. Peanut Lyrics

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Artist: Ian Dury And The Blockheads
Song Title: Oh, Mr. Peanut
Visits: 613
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OI, rotten hat
Whered you get that hair-cut
Brent Cross Shopping Centre?
I bet your mother feeds you with a catapult

Oh, Mr. Sound Nasty
A bit of give and take
You call me a divvy
And I think youre a snake

Oh, Mr. Nitty Crouch
Come on for heavens sake
Stick your finger up your nose
Cos you give me the ache

Oh, Mr. Peanut
I don't like you at all
Not only are they poisonous
But your eyes are much too small

Oh, Mr. Pastry Draws
You havent got a clue
So stick you finger up your nose
And paint your money blue

I saw the score of course you must joking
Oh yeah my lad you must be up the creek
Whats forcing you on that finger that youre poking
That finger stands to reason so to speak

Oh, Mr. Horrible mess
Thats enough of that
Youll call me a ninny
And youre a stupid twat

Oh, Mr. Dogs Breath
Why don't you piss right off
Stick your finger up your nose you toff

I saw the score I know that youre a jubbly
Oh yeah my lad for certain that youre cracked
Whats forcing you, you look a little bit wobbly
Let me suggest you put your finger back

For all your larks and fancies you aint nothing but a creep
Youre mouth is full a sugar, youre guts are fast asleep
So stick your finger up your nose and leave it there for keeps
I hate you Mr peanut you really make me weep, hahahaahaahahahahhahah

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