Ibo - Spieglein Lyrics

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Artist: Ibo
Song Title: Spieglein
Visits: 751
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Colorblind from Ice Cube's album Death Certificate
Here's another day at the stoplight,
I'm lookin in the mirror so I can see who can see me,
South Central is puttin' Ice Cube to the test,
With four brothers in the SS,
I can't go around and can't back up,
So I gotta peep game layin in the cut,
Is this a jack or a kidnapp,
Since I'm never ever slippin I fully strapped,
I grab the gat out the glove,
Do these fools got a problem with me,
Or do they got love,
So when the light turns green I don't bone out,
I wanna see what these black men are all about,
Cause if it's my time I'll just show,
If not, I'm pluggin they supersport,
First they get behind my ride,
Then they switch lanes to the left side,
I'm scopin out the one smokin endo,
Comin up fast rollin down his window,
He threw up a sign,
I put away my nine,
Fool cause I was colorblind,
Killer Cali, the state where they kill,
over colors cause brother don;t know the deal,
Where they'll cap not if they have to,
but if they want to first they might confront you,
See every brother on my block can't stop and he won't and it don't stop,
To the bang bang boogie yo they like to gang bang
but rookies ain't the only ones that dropped
Some say the little locs are gettin a little too loc,
Cause their the ones who kick up the most,
Say the wrong word then whistle down the street to your homies like a bird,
Come back and get served nigga,
And it's a shame cause it ain't no thing to me,
cause I slang them things like a G,
It's on does anybody want a killa for the summertime,
I gotta get another nine, even though I'm colorblind. . .
Now here's the game plan,
about a quarter till nine,
I was to

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