Ice-T - Escape from the Killing Fields Lyrics
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Escape from the Killing Fields Song Lyrics
Song Title:
Escape from the Killing Fields
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Here we go
I'm movin' off death row
Ya gotta keep up hops
Ya can't be slow
Cuse their towers are high
They got the hype gaats
Check the perimeters good
Read the maps
It's night
They might not see us
Cuse if they catch us out there
They'll bleed us
Shoot us, kill us
Dump us in a dark ditch
Clean it up, call it a gang hit
I gotta make my move
Cause I'm a renegade
I recognize
when mind techniques
Are being played
It's a plot they use
To keep down another
Here comes another
Brainwashed brother
Shut up do you know
How dumb you sound?
That mentality
What keeps my people down
No one wants to
Live in an urban war
You live there cause
Your parents were poor
They live there because
Theirs were also
Get yourself together
Hit the gates bro!
Ya gotta get out!
Ya gotta get out! Why?
Ya gotta get out!
Ya gotta get out! Why?
Ya gotta get out!
Ya gotta get out! Why?
Cause the fields
Are where you die!
Escape from
The killing fields
You try to keep us
Running and running faster
But I ain't runnin' from ya
I'm runnin' at ya
and my posse's thick
About a mil strong
Too late to make up now
Cause it's on
I'm the one that's got ya
In constant fear
I'm the nigga
You shoulda killed last yeaar
But you played yourself
You let me gain wealth
Now I can change the wy
The cards are dealt
I've schooled my homeboys
Made 'em all understand
The tricks nd twists
Inflicted on the Black man
How ya make me think
to be down
I gotta stay around
Down in the motherfuckin'
There'll never be any good
Schools in the hood
There'll never be any cops
That are any good
The hospital is a great place
To go to die
Real estate's cheap
Let me tell ya why?
The man's got a
Sure fire system
A economic prison!
Escape from
The killing fields!
Escape from the Killing Fields Lyrics
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Other Ice-T song Lyrics
First Impression
"Upon intial contact with Ice-T's music,
I had envisioned him to be an ill-
Mannered and psychologically
Unstable man with an extremely..."
"Once again I'm back in the place to be
The I, the C, the E, the T
I'll never get a Grammy, so fuck the G
All I need is crowd, and my M-I-C..."
Mic Contract
"Brainstorm microphone napalm
This is it, words from a timebomb
Attack speed, fast as an F15
Raise the heat, light thhe gasoline..."
Mind Over Matter
"It's been a long while
Since I hit ya with freestyle
High tech selections
From the vaults of the Ice files..."
New Jack Hustler
"Hustler, word, I pull the trigger long,
Grit my teeth, spray till every nigga's gone.
Got my block sewn, armored dope spots,
Last thing I sweat's a sucka punk cop...."
"Let me tell ya a little story
Bout my homeboy Ed
Use to drink every day
Straight 40's to the head..."
Straight Up Nigga
"Thanks to for these lyrics.
Yo check this out
A lot of people get mad cause I use the word nigga
You know what I'm saying they don't like the fact that I use the word nigga..."
O.G. Original Gangster
"Ten years ago
I used to listen to rappers flow
Talkin' bout the way
They rocked the mic at the disco..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "O.G. Original Gangster" album, click "
Ice-T Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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