Ida Cox - One Hour Mama Lyrics

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Artist: Ida Cox
Song Title: One Hour Mama
Visits: 691
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I've always heard that haste makes waste
So I believe in takin' my time
The highest mountain can't be raced
It's something you must slowly climb
I want a slow and easy man
He needn't ever take the lead
Cause I work on that long-time plan
And I ain't a-lookin' for no speed

I'm a one hour mama
So no one minute papa
Ain't the kind of man for me
Set your alarm clock papa
One hour, that's proper
Then love me like I like to be

I don't want no lame excuses
'Bout my lovin' bein' so good
That you couldn't wait no longer
Now I hope I'm understood

I'm a one hour mama
So no one minute papa
Ain't the kind of man for me

I can't stand no greenhorn lover
Like a rookie goin' to war
With a load of big artillery
But don't know what it's for

He's got to bring me a reference
With a great long pedigree
And must prove he's got endurance
Or he don't mean that to me

I don't like no crowin' rooster
What just kicks a lick or two
Action is the only booster
Of just what my man can do

I don't want no imitation
My requirements ain't no joke
Cause I've got pure indignation
For a guy what's lost his stroke

I'm a one hour mama
So no one minute papa
Ain't the kind of man for me
Set your alarm clock papa
One hour, that's proper
Then love me like I like to be

I may want love for one hour
Then decide to make it two
Takes an hour before I get started
Maybe three 'fore I'm through

I'm a one hour mama
So no one minute papa
Ain't the kind of man for me

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Other Ida Cox song Lyrics
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  • Broadcasting Blues
    "Tune in on your radio, and find my man for me
    Please call him for me, move my heart this heavy load
    Cause I'll give the world, to get him back to me
    Announce to the world, I've got those broadcasting blues

  • Chicago Monkey Man Blues
    "I'm goin' to Chicago, sorry but I can't take you
    Yes I'm goin' to Chicago, sorry but I can't take you
    Cause there's nothin' on State Street, that a monkey man can do
    If monkey men were money, I'd be a Chicago millionaire..."
  • Coffin Blues
    "Daddy oh daddy, won't you answer me please
    Daddy oh daddy, won't you answer me please
    All day I stood by your coffin, tryin' to give my poor heart ease
    I rubbed my hands over your head and whispered in your ear..."
  • Death Letter Blues
    "I received a letter that my man was dyin'
    I received a letter that my man was dyin'
    I caught the first plane and went home flyin'
    When I got there the folks had gathered around..."
  • Fogyism
    "To hear a hoot owl holler, someone is surely dyin'
    And if a black cat crosses them, they'll break right down in tears
    Your man is sure to leave you, and never return no more
    That's a true sign he's got someone else bakin' his jelly roll

  • Four Day Creep
    "When you lose your money don't lose your mind
    When you lose your money don't lose your mind
    When you lose your good man please don't mess with mine
    And I'm gonna buy me a bulldog to watch my man while he sleeps..."

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