IDees - Time Lyrics

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Artist: IDees
Song Title: Time
Visits: 1528
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A leaf will fall
And hit the ground
The wind will carry it around
beneath it's whispering wings
a love is lost another found was
done is surely bound to keep us
guessing what it brings

The time of laughter the time of tears
The time of dreams and many fears
Will be erased for memory

Imagine life is just a dream
Imagine you imagine me
Travelling on the wings of time
Don't know where or why
Imagine you imagine me
Fractions of eternity
Life is learn to left behind
We can't turn back time

Here we are
And our lifes like butterflies
Will fly away from us towards the sky
See how far
We're going trying to hold on
To what we gotta look for reasons why

The time of laughter the time of tears
The time of dreams and many fears
Will be erased for memory

Imagine life is just a dream
Imagine you imagine me
Travelling on the wings of time
Don't know where or why
Imagine you imagine me
Fractions of eternity
Life is learn to left behind
We can't turn back time

'couse we can't turn back time
we can't turn back time
We can't turn back time
Life remains a mystery

Imagine life is just a dream
Imagine you imagine me
Travelling on the wings of time
Don't know where or why
Imagine you imagine me
fractions of eternity
Life is learn to left behind
We can't turn back time

Imagine life is just a dream
Imagine you imagine me
Travelling on the wings of time
Don't know where or why
Imagine you imagine me
fractions of eternity
Life is learn to left behind
We can't turn back time

Time Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other IDees song Lyrics
  • Automatic
    "I feel something going inside me.
    So I need to move, I need to fly.
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    It's time to get up andget it off...."

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