Idlewild - I Was Made To Think It Lyrics

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Artist: Idlewild
Idlewild Author
Song Title: I Was Made To Think It
Visits: 615
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First and foremost you've been the ultimate friend
But you know that's not a passport to me

It's seems secondary to the official reasons I have
But you know they're not right
They're not supposed to be right

Such a royal misfit
You demand the highest respect
Such a royal misfit
Your demands should be higher

It wasn't weird it wasn't nothing
Curious at all but nothing so high
It wasn't weird it wasn't nothing
It wasn't nothing

Moments follow one another without belonging
Moments follow one another without belonging
Moments follow one another without belonging
Moments follow one another without belonging

First and foremost what you know isn't everything you are
Or everything you know it to be

It seems secondary that the real real reason I have
When you know it's not right
It's not supposed to be right

Such a royal misfit
You demand the highest respect
Such a royal misfit
Your demands should be higher

It wasn't weird it wasn't nothing
Curious at all but nothing so high
It wasn't weird it wasn't nothing
Curious at all but nothing so high
It wasn't weird it wasn't nothing
Curious at all but nothing so high
It wasn't weird it wasn't nothing
It wasn't nothing

Moments follow one another without belonging
Moments follow one another without belonging
Moments follow one another without belonging
Moments follow one another without belonging

Everything you are won't last longer
Everything you are won't last longer
Won't last longer
Won't last longer

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  • I Want A Warning
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  • As If I Hadnt Slept
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    Telling stories which tell their stories themselves
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  • Too Long Awake
    "Everything is always changing
    And nothing stays in the same place for too long
    I've been too long awake
    And everyone seems like they're slowly changing..."
  • Not Just Sometimes But Always
    "There is a long forgotten voice
    I know it's not your voice, cause it's always strained
    I wake up hearing unfamiliar voices
    Convinced they're trying to explain..."
  • The Space Between All Things
    "All the walls of your house,
    were painted in deep blue,
    you're at that indecisive age to choose colours that reflect you,
    and everything and nothing,..."

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