IG Off and Hazadous - This Aint Livin Lyrics

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Artist: IG Off and Hazadous
Song Title: This Aint Livin
Visits: 640
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What, yeah yeah

Bronx Queens collaboratin

I.G. Off and Hazadous

Another winna, DJ spinna

97, uh, bring it bring it


I like to zone, slip into a world of my own

Let the spirit escape, from its physical home

Where every thought is like a new birth

I had to take a break from the streets

To learn myself or can't get stuck with the curse

Of limitations from my past generations

Find myself still tryin to live up to my mom's expectations

Either you hustle or struggle on this modern day plantation

Chains made through manifestations of the same variation

(Me myself I like to think) that I'm just an angel waitin

While the physical state's trapped on the Earth and with temptations

Either live life all the time or your life is time wasted

Manhood comes with realizin the true worth of what you're chasin

If the end is what we're facin why bring seeds into the population

The prophets say that that the future's ?

P.A. already dead because the ? ain't payin

Lack of food for thought means more mental starvation

The weight of the work is heavy while I'm strivin for rotation

But on our inception be on real a change of direction

Know one's words cut deep so I always speak with discretion

Remind my niggas and bitches that they come from kings and queens

So a wise angel up in the sky can earn its wings, earn its wings yo

Cause love of life is what we bring

Love is life

And life is worth living

If I can't die king than

(This life ain't livin)

? tight, playin the corner every night

? dun, ay yo, ay yo

(This life ain't livin)

Wake up and see what's going on

In the chess games of the gods you're just a pawn

(This life ain't livin)

Wake up and see what's going on

In the projects my peoples we don't belong

(This life ain't livin)

[DJ Spinna cuts]

I begin to G off on the streets


Sometimes I wonder what MCs be thinkin when they write their verses

Ill rhymes do not consist of 4 bars and 20 curses

With no substance it's worthless, if it doesn't uplift

Ain't all your stories rhyme about the same ? with no new twist?

Impale me at the wrists and let me die with hip hop's sins

On the cross to resurrect and let the culture live again

Deadly with a pen, we started as madmen

? debates, on who was better Kane or Rakim, way back when

Chickens were skeezers, you fought your way out of The Fever

Mix tapes were ten a pop and Kid Capri was on top

Taggin a wall and doin backspins was the true essence of hip hop

Bein hot meant everybody knew you rhymed around the block

But then the hammer cocked, and blew us right back into the present

Eric B's no longer president, I saw the chair vacant

Changed my motto

No one's sittin and waitin, time for regulatin

Now the world is ours for the takin, for the takin, yo yo


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