Iii Opus - Elemental Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> I>> Iii Opus Singer Lyrics>> Elemental Song Lyrics
Artist: Iii Opus
Iii Opus Author
Album: Guru Mother (1994)
Iii Opus - Guru Mother Album
Song Title: Elemental
Genre: Ambient
Visits: 719
Print Version

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit

Elemental Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Iii Opus song Lyrics
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  • When You Made The Mountain
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    say i'm a fool..."
  • Guru Mother
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    guru devo maheshwarah
    guru sakshat parabrahma..."
  • Hand In Hand Looking For Sweet Inspiration
    "i've been searching for the meaning
    what makes you so full of grace
    but i'm looking for sweet inspiration
    in the eyes of a strangers face..."
  • Release The Joy
    "Release the joy
    Release the joy
    Release the joy
    Release the joy..."
  • Evolution Rush
    "evolution rush
    evolution rush
    om namo narayanaya..."
  • I Talk To The Wind
    "the wind cannot hear
    the wind cannot hear
    the wind cannot hear
    said the straight man..."
  • Into This Universe
    "into this universe and why not knowing
    where like water calmly flowing
    and out of it as wind along the waste
    i know not where or why it's blowing..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Guru Mother" album, click "Iii Opus Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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