Illogic - Hate in a Puddle Lyrics

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Artist: Illogic
Song Title: Hate in a Puddle
Visits: 1197
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I hate when it rains, cause in puddles I encounter this guy

Unable to give a rebuttal but swift as the pain flood his eyes

wonderin why he's a gift with no purpose

A priceless one-of-a-kind piece that's worthless

Grounded with no surface

And when he shows one, it's a facade

Cause inside he fights feelings that he was mistake by God

I see his confusion and self-deception

Questions of relevance and intelligence

He holds an illusion of self-acceptance

that he shows to those outside lookin in

He's outside lookin in to his own life; lookin for strength

to carry on as a pawn in this chess game of existance

In his mind he wants to go on to the dawn

and leave the stress that came with existance

Hopin in death he'll find life

Cause as he lives, he roams the dark, tryin to find light

He's made his heart so hard, he doesn't even cry anymore

Cause he's confronted sorrow frequently

His heart's been broken frequently

It's like he's lost some part of him and just haven't found it yet

So in his search, he's left with nothin but questions and regret

All he wants to know is how one day, he's content

and the next day he's cryin

cause his life isn't what he thought life meant

He just wants to be happy, with his love and all

But too often I get messages through telepathic calls

He's askin me through a puddle what more must he endure to continue

But for some reason he knows he most endure to continue


When I walk past puddles, my reflection calls beggin me

to answer his questions about life and his perceptions

and tell him why I hate him so much

And you wonder why I hate him so much?

Now when I walk past puddles, my reflection calls beggin me

to answer his questions about life, and his perceptions

and tell him why I hate him so much

Damn, I wonder why I hate him so much


Why did I hate him so much?I wondered, pondered on the question

What in my mind caused me to despise my reflection?

I didn't know I just knew when I saw him, how I felt

and hated the fact that he had to play with the cards that he was dealt

He's come in contact with some ill things that can't be explained

Life's extracted his energy to where the pain can't be contained

So to me he comes, sheddin tears like skin

Intimate with some, only the ones he calls friends

If he even exists, he only exists in pain

It's like his life is a myth

and he's been blessed with the gift of shame, I mean

From birth to love he's been betrayed

He's an unknown in how to cope with that pain and dissapointment

he's come to know as he's grown

He feels he stands alone in this world of puddle images

And he awaits the time for when, time finishes

He tries to elevate thought, but he's still chillin in the basement

Awaitin a rebirth of his soul as it fears it's spiritual placement



God I pray you can give me a purpose or help me find it

Cause on this narrow path of self-damnation, I can't find it

Is it somethin I need to know, some way I need to grow

to get out of this rut, God give me some self-trust

Love is somethin I'm lookin for but I've found it, or have I?

I wanna live but can I, or do I have to die to?

I try to, have life but my life seems kinda worthless

as I'm starin at this puddle

God I pray that you can give me a purpose or help me find it

Cause on this narrow path of self-damnation, I can't find it

Is it somethin I need to know, some way I need to grow

to get out of this rut, God please give me some self-trust

Love is somethin I'm lookin for - thought I found it, or have I?

I wanna live but can I, or do I have to die to?

I try to, have life but my life seems kinda worthless

as I'm starin in this puddle


{*music changes*


I sit alone in dismal silence

Peering into the eyes of my reflection

Wondering if his thoughts are adjacent to my own

What visions of eerie savagery

are passing if purity lurks in the mind of he who I mirror?

Lookin at him I am disgusted

He lacks beauty in all external areas

and internally he seems so confused

Perplexed with this conundrum of life

He proceeds to function or cope, lookin at it realistically

Esteem he lacks, in all areas of existance

Reason unknown

What is the cause of the lack of this self-acceptance?

I mean it seems like he needs constant assurance

Some type of ritual proof that he's even worth the oxygen he breathes

A, light that shines upon him

Is his living in vein?Does he have a purpose?

Answer - eternally unknown

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