Immolation - Higher Coward Lyrics

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Artist: Immolation
Immolation Author
Song Title: Higher Coward
Genre: Rock
Visits: 593
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Cowards, with your empty hearts
And narrow minds...So bitter
our confusion is overwhelming
So aimless and misguided
Your search for a higher power
Something better than yourselves
In a perfect world, your perfect god
Is a coward just like you
Watch them gather, they flock together
For in numbers they feel strength
Will you find your way to paradise,
Through the darkness within your light
To the children, they feed his body
Peel his flesh from off the cross
In his blood they'll wash away
All the dirt from their souls
Obedient young, they'll join the flock
With minds like clay and hearts so pure
Fill them with his words and fears
And feed them to the waiting beast
His open arms and splendid brilliance
Devours those who can not see
The dimming light from high above
Vanquished by their higher coward
How can you glorify and praise
One so weak, imperfect and insane
The magnitude of his madness is so clear
In the eyes of the herd that he keeps
Look what you have become
Just another like all the rest

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Other Immolation song Lyrics
  • Into Everlasting Fire
    "Will the love of God shed it`s grace
    Upon the evil side of man
    Symbolic throne begins to tarnish
    Poisoned with impurity..."
  • Despondent Souls
    "Slaughtering the innocent,
    Massacring the weak
    Intimidate their fearful minds
    Corrupt their structurer world..."
  • Dawn Of Possession
    "Awaiting messiah
    To save us from sin
    A second hope
    His reign begins..."
  • Those Left Behind
    "I lift my soul joyfully
    If not, my life will end painfully
    Extol He who rides above the clouds
    Majestic and glorious..."
  • Internal Decadence
    "Digression to an unknown fear, mortified
    Soul embraced in a darkened grasp, path to hell
    Infiltrate the weakened mind, succumb to death
    Waste away, convulse in pain, dissolve within......"
  • Burial Ground
    "War has evolved, in a world bound for death
    Trails of blood
    Lead to our corpses
    Liquids of life, have taken to the Earth......"
  • After My Prayers
    "I pray that I can see
    Beyond this life tormenting me
    Tempting from inside
    Come hysteric thoughts of pain..."
  • Fall In Disease
    "Miles away the dead are left
    Quarantined contain the death
    Brought to man a gift from hell
    Infectious blood devours all..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Close To A World Below" album, click "Immolation Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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