Immortal - Cryptic Lyrics

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Artist: Immortal
Immortal Author
Song Title: Cryptic
Visits: 641
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people aching desperate streets walking no ghosts here reality
concrete raining merciless bitter

taste feel the chill agony fire no attempt scratch the earth above
the earth life struggle across the tower

outside the structure grotesque no crime no vindication doomed to
fate under thunder skies open you wait for

P e a c e
h o p e
l o v e
j e s u s c h r i s t

chosen futile no response from the masses enigma faceless
thousand destiny twisted speeding the process

prisoners of a genetic disorder eyes so bright in the shadows
fearing tomorrow when sunlight can kill but they have love

millions of people walk the cracks in the streets where we live why
can't we give something they're dying for

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    For I have worm the moonshine
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