Immortal Technique - Peruvian Cocaine Lyrics

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Artist: Immortal Technique
Immortal Technique Author
Album: BlackCargo (2005)
Immortal Technique - BlackCargo Album
Song Title: Peruvian Cocaine
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 826
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[Intro: from the film "Scarface"]
Host: I've heard whispers about the financial support
your government receives from the drug industry.

Guest: Well, the irony of this, of course, is that
this money, which is in the billions, is coming from
your country. You see, you are the major purchaser of
our national product, which is of course cocaine.

Host: On one hand, you're saying the United States
government is spending millions of dollars to
eliminate the flow of drugs onto our streets. At the
same time, we are doing business with the very same
goverment that is flooding our streets with cocaine.

Guest: Mmm-hmm, si, si. Let me show you a few other
characters that are involved in this tragic comedy.

[Beat starts]

*Two Men Speak in Spanish*

[Immortal Technique - Worker]
I'm on the border of Bolivia, working for pennies
Treated like a slave, the coke fields have to be ready
The spirit of my people is starving, broken and sweaty
Dreaming about revolution (REVOLUTION!) looking at my machete
But the workload is too heavy to rise up in arms
And if I ran away, I know they'd probably murder my moms
So I pray to "Heso Preisto" when I go to the mission
Process the cocaine, paced and play my position

[Pumpkinhead - Cocaine Field Boss]
Ok, listen while I'm out there, just give me my product
Before we chop off ya hands for worker's misconduct
I got the power to shoot a copper, and not get charged
And it would be sad to see your family in front of a firing squad
So to feed your kids, I need these bricks
40 tons in total, let me test it, indeed I (*sniff*)
Shit, this is good, pass me a tissue
And don't worry about them, I paid off the officials

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  • Freedom Of Speech
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    I got no strings to hold be down
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    I had strings, but now I'm free..."
  • Leaving The Past
    "They told me I would never make it, I would never achieve it
    Reality is nurishment, but people don't believe it
    I guess its hard to stomach the truth like a bulimick
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  • Dominant Species
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    So it's inconsequential really
    All the shit that you talk..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "BlackCargo" album, click "Immortal Technique Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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