Immortal Technique - The Message & The Money Lyrics

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Artist: Immortal Technique
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Song Title: The Message & The Money
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[Immortal Technique]
Before we go any further..
I would like to send a message to all the underground mc's out there, working hard
The time has come to realize you networked in a market
and stop being a fucking commodity
And if you didn't understand what I've just said then you already waiting to get fucked
For example; a lot of these promoters are doing showcases
throwing events, and not even paying the workhorses
They trying get us to rock for the love of hiphop or rock for the exposure
Now look man, I don't mind doing a guest spot for my peeps
Or, or, or doing a benefit show, but don't lie to me pussy
Coz I find out I'm paying your lightbill, I'm fucking you up nigga
Besides, you ain't doing this for the love, you ain't doing it for the exposure
you charging up to 10$ at the door, and you ain't tryin to give me shit???
So wait a minute... you want me to go shopping, cook the food, and put it in front of you
but you won't let me sit down and eat with you? The fuck is that?
Niggaz need to start playing their position, man. Just coz you throw a party
a hosting event or an open mic or a showcase, or a battle
that don't make you important at all
Without me and everybody like me out there
you ain't nutting but a good idea, motherfucker
So stay in your place

And to all these bitchass saronayas who are too lazy to come up with a way to sell records..
That they keep recycling marketing schemes and imagery
There is a market for everything man
There is a market for pet psychologists nigga. There is a market for twisted
shitfetish video's. For nipplerings, for riverdancing, for chocolate cupboard roaches..
But you can't find one for cultured hardcore reality and hiphop?
People like you: the house nigga executives
and them rich motherfuckers that own you; you the motherfucking machine man!
You and all these niggaz talking about the same shit
with the same flow over the same candy-ass beats
But I refuse the feed the machine
And Im not giving any magazine money
So maybe my album won't get 5 mics, or double-x-l's, or 5 discs
Whatever man, fuck it
But then again; you don't own me, and none of you niggaz ever will
If I'm feeling what you fight for I'm rolling with you to the end
But if not, then FUCK YOU!
And the more that mc's, producers, dj's
and independent labels start to grasp the conceptuality
of what their contribution to the business of hiphop is
rather then just the music - the more the industry will be forced to change

Oh , heh, and one last thing;

You don't have to agree with everything I've said
But don't ever be condescending to me
Picking up your wack ass friends that rhyme and being like
'Ow yeah, Immortal Technique - he's aaiight'
No nigga..
Your mom is pussy, that's aaiight, ok..
Your peoples getting shot dead in the street, that's aaiight
I'm the motherfucking Immortal Technique nigga! The message and the money!
And you ain't got either!
Remember that!
Punk ass motherfucker..

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  • Freedom Of Speech
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    I had strings, but now I'm free..."
  • Leaving The Past
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    I guess its hard to stomach the truth like a bulimick
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  • Caught In A Hustle
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  • Dominant Species
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