Impaled - Gross Anatomy Lyrics

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Artist: Impaled
Impaled Author
Song Title: Gross Anatomy
Genre: Rock
Visits: 622
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music - Ross Sewage

lyrics - Ross Sewage

Feared by dogmatics and systematically oppressed

Science my crime, medicine I confess

Bearers of ignorance put a halt to my work

For in the coronal plane is where I would lurk

Forced underground, six feet deep is precise

A labour for knowledge by my own device

Maggots and worms my constant companions

Pillaging crypts and defiling their coffins

Archaic alchemists must be put to rest

Notions of prima matter I'll test

When the casket's exhumed and I've broken the seal

It's surely just flesh and blood I'll reveal

A nidorous air pervades through my lab

A noxious bi-product of the stiff on the slab

I meticulously sketch the skins contours and grains

Then probe sub-cutaneously for arteries and veins

Methodical excision to lay bare the bones

For understanding of anatomical unknowns

Though necrosis makes the facts harder to confer

I'm proud to be a cadaverous cartographer

Slicing through mortal shells

Discerning the secrets they tell

Engaged in necrology

Gross anatomy

Surgery on fresh human corpses

A putrid employ to read what the gore says

Knowledge my aim, blasphemes they claim

Negating all their spiritual discourses

(solo: "Qu? Prosunt Omnibus Artibus" by S.C. McGrath)

Retractors split open the chest cavity

Ocular scopes provide a glimpse into humanity...


Excavations are clear

There is no soul here

(solo: "Tales From The Crypt" by A.S. LaBarre)

(solo: "The Vitruvian Man" by S.C. McGrath)

(solo: "Encyclop?dia Anatomica" by A.S. LaBarre)

A labyrinth of nerves and muscles explored

Their designs in my necronomicon are stored

Spinal tendrils extend through all planes

Cognition lies not in the heart but the brain

Visceral gears are each recorded and weighed

A corporeal blueprint for mankind I have made

Surrounded by disemboweled organs, it would seem

We are all nothing but organic machines

Slicing through mortal shells

Discerning the secrets they tell

Engaged in necrology

Gross anatomy

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    Fcal particulates undermining hygeine
    Larvae gestating..."
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Medical Waste [EP]" album, click "Impaled Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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