Impaled - Trocar Lyrics

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Artist: Impaled
Impaled Author
Song Title: Trocar
Genre: Rock
Visits: 634
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Impacted tissue is riddled with clots
Morbidly studying your gross anatomy
Perinium is sullied with moldering pus
A mass of gelatinized forensick liquidity
Locating my trocar, the tool of my trade
Emaciated fingers nimbly find what I need
Desiring the gavage, I hastily optate
Into your chest intercalated as your innards I bleed

Muscle tissue rips, my needle drips
Proceeding with my work, I'm an insensitive jerk
Acid from your stomach is disgorged with a splat
Liquid offal gargles in your throat
Embalming tubes occluded with clumps of rotting fat
Decaying larval brine is force fed until you choke

Impaled on a spike, internal organs are sucked
Mellifluent gore by the buckets is drained
Pernicious bilge is pumped from your gut
Acidic bacteria now mangle your brain

Lactating pus
Eructating guts
Decorticated stiff
I take another sniff

Macerated veins are with a trocar dislodged
Playing host to my probe, your pelvis now sprays
Abdominal saliva is splattered from your anus
Lathering my needle, your ignominious remains
Easing the point into delicate flesh
Declension with steel is sublimely enmeshed
Irrigated fluids cake the porcelain slab
Methodically in-vaginated with bromidic scabs

Pus, from your veins, is tapped
A bloody awful mess, your corpse is bloodless
Lancinated gore is sapped
Exenterated sot, your withered cadaver will rot

Decaying on the slab
I take another stab

[solo: "The Mortician's Sword" by L.d. Muerte]
[solo: "Lachrimose Germentation" by S.C. McGrath]

Muscles are imbued with a gelatinous mix
Prepatent secretions from your bowel make me sick
A redolent mephitis maturates in the guts -ac

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  • Operating Theatre
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  • We Belong Dead
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  • The Worms Crawl In
    "My temple subjected to third world rigors
    Mites, lice, and chiggers
    Fcal particulates undermining hygeine
    Larvae gestating..."
  • To Die For
    "A liturgist in the realm of filth and gore
    Augean bard of sculapian deviance
    Fables I've made, sick stories I've parlayed
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  • Spirits Of The Dead
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    Mangled, chopped, and hewn
    Organ meats have been sundered
    And about your coffin strewn..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Dead Shall Dead Remain" album, click "Impaled Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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